An hour later the examination had been completed. "I have to go and call the police," Doctor Madden told Magdelena. Magdelena just nodded, with her eyes resting on the floor. "Would you like for me to send anyone in? Your friends?," he asked. She was silent for a moment and then nodded. The doctor walked out of the room and down to the waiting room.

"How's Mags?," JC asked when the doctor approached.

The doctor sighed,"As well as can be expected right now. You all may go in and visit her for a few minutes." The doctor led them to her room and then walked to the nurses' station to use the phone.

"How are ya Mags?," Joey quietly asked. She just shrugged and stayed silent.

"Are they treating you okay?," asked Justin.

She nodded and whispered,"Yeah."

"We're all here for you, don't forget that." Lance said. Magdelena just sighed.

"Magdelena?!," exclaimed her father as both of her parents rushed into the room. They rushed over to the bed and hugged her.

"Oh my God, I'm sorry!," exclaimed her mother as she sobbed.

Magdelena looked at them and quietly said,"Don't be. It's not your fault."

"Hey kids."

"Hi Mrs. Matthews, Mr. Matthews." Cassandra said as she hugged them both. The others nodded their heads in a hello.

Five minutes later the doctor walked back in,"All of you will have to leave. Mrs. and Mr. Matthews can stay of course. The police are here to question Magdelena."

"We're see you later," Chris promised as they said their goodbyes.


"Who was Magdelena out with tonight?," JC asked Cassandra. Cassandra sighed and knew better than to keep it from him.

"Adrian Miller. I don't know where he lives or anything though."

JC nodded,"Okay. That's not a problem, I can find out. Thanks." Cassandra just shrugged.

"We all going?," Justin asked JC.

"I think we all should, I mean, I don't know if it's safe to drop Cass off at home or not yet." Joey said.

JC nodded,"Yeah. We'll all go." He turned to Cassandra and added,"When we find him, you stay in the car. Okay?"

Cassandra nodded,"Yeah. Okay."

"Well, let's go." JC said, walking towards the parking lot.


"I'm Detective Sanchez and this is my partner, Detective Stuart. Can you please tell us what happened Miss. Matthews?"

Magdelena sighed and said,"It's s-so embarressing."

"We understand that. Would it make it better for you if your parents waited out in the hall?," asked detective Stuart. Magdelena nodded.

"We're here if you need us," her father said as they left.

"Start when you're ready," he added.

She took a deep breath and waited a minute, before starting,"I went o-out with a boy from m-my geography class. A-Adrian Miller. We went to see a movie and then....then he said he wanted to check up on his s-sister. He drove onto a road and then stopped, and I asked h-him what was g-going on. I d-didn't s-see any houses or anything." Magdelena stopped as she tried to choke back a sob, and Detective Sanchez handed her a kleenex. After a minute, she started again,"He said t-that I owed him. And, he pushed me back onto the seat and held my hands over my head. I t-tried and tried to get away, but he just held on tighter and slapped me. He ri-ripped my shirt off and then my pants and un-underwear. He then....entered me. I kept saying n-no over and over. When he was done, he pushed me out of the car and left me. Then, I walked to my bestfriend's house and her and some other friends brought me here."

Detective Sanchez finished writing down what she said and asked,"Did you see any road signs? Anything that could help us?"

"I-I saw one that s-said Bender Road. And, my friend lives on St-Stallion Avenue."

"Okay, thank you. Do you know where Mr. Miller lives?" Asked Detective Stuart. pr> Magdelena sadly shook her head,"No."

"Okay. If you remember anything else, please give us a call. We're going to try our best to find him. We're also going to have to take your clothes into evidence." Detective Sanchez said as he handed her a card with his name and number. She nodded and laid the card on the nightstand.

"We'll send your parents back in," Detective Stuart said before they exited the room. A moment later the doctor re-entered with Magdelena's parents.

"I want to have Magdelena stay overnight for observation. We also gave her a morning-after pill, which should keep her from getting pregnant. We did an examination and blood-tests. The blood-tests should be back in three days, so you'll know the outcome then." Magdelena's mother had silent tears rolling down her cheeks and her father had rage in his eyes. "I can have a cot sat up, for you both to stay with her tonight if you want." Doctor Madden said.

"Thank you, we'd really appreciate that." Magdelena's father said. The doctor nodded and walked out of the room.

Chapter 7
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