"You should find him at 211 Sailor Road. He lives there with his parents."

"Thanks, Bob," JC said as he shook the older man's hand.

"No problem. Sorry about what he did to your friend," Bob said.

"You won't be the only one when I find him," JC grimly replied. He went back to the car, got in, and said,"Bob said that he lives at 211 Sailor Road." Joey nodded and put the car in drive, starting toward their destination.

"We're here," he said twenty minutes later, as he parked the car.

"Let's do this," Chris said.

"Stay here and don't move. We'll be here, outside, so we can watch out for you." Joey told his sister, Cassandra.

Cassandra nodded and said,"All of you be careful." JC, Justin, Joey, Chris and Lance walked up to the front door and Lance sharply knocked. After a couple of minutes, the door was swung open by a young man.

"You Adrian Miller?," asked JC.

Adrian smugly grinned,"Who's askin'?"

JC grabbed him by the front of the shirt and growled,"Are you Adrian Miller? Don't make me ask again." Adrian hesitated and then silently nodded yes. JC pulled him outside, by the front of the shirt. He then let go and punched Adrian in the face.

Adrian stumbled back, holding his nose, and exclaimed,"My nose! You broke my nose!"

JC shrugged,"So?"

Adrian's eyes widened and he asked,"What the heck did I do to you?"

"You raped a friend of ours!," said Justin.

Adrian shook his head and Joey asked,"You calling her a liar?"

Adrian nodded and Lance growled,"Are you stupid?! Who do you think we're going to believe? You or her, and think before you answer."

Adrian sighed,"Okay. I did, but she had it coming! You are guys, don't tell me you don't expect something in return for your money."

"That was completely the wrong thing to say," snarled Chris. Chris grabbed Adrian's right arm as Lance grabbed Adrian's left arm.

"What are you doing? Let go!," Adrian exclaimed.

JC pretended to think,"Naw. What's the fun in that?" He approached Adrian, while he smiled, and stopped right in front of him. They just stared at each other for a minute, Adrian's slightly frightened eyes starring into JC's ice cold ones.

Before Adrian could react, JC threw a punch at his stomch. Adrian bent over, gasping for breath, trying to get away but being held too tightly. "C'mon man....," Adrian gasped.

"Shut up," JC growled. "You messed with a friend of mine, nobody messes with my friends. Do I make myself clear?"

Adrian barely nodded and gasped,"Yes."

JC shook his head,"I dunno. How do I know that you'll leave Magdelena alone? How do I know that you won't go to the police?"

Adrian looked at him with wide eyes,"I won't!"

JC sighed,"I just dunno." He looked at the other four guys and asked,"What do you guys think?"

They all smiled a little and Justin answered,"I think we should take him for a little ride."

JC nodded,"I agree. C'mon, Adrian." Joey put one hand over Adrian's mouth, to keep him from screaming, as him and Chris dragged Adrian to the car.

"You want him in the trunk?," Lance asked. JC nodded as Lance popped the trunk and Adrian was shoved into it.

"May I make a suggesstion? You'd better get religion and start praying," JC said before he slammed the trunk closed.

Chapter 8
Chapter Index
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