(AN: It's around six in the morning. It was real late in the chapter before when they found Adrian.)

"How are you sweetie?," Magdelena's mother, Paris, asked the next morning. Magdelena shrugged but stayed silent. Paris and Rodney, Magdelena's father, looked at each other.

"Can we do anything for you?," Rodney asked.

Magdelena shook her head and whispered,"I just want to go home."

"You can soon. The doctor has to come in and check you over," Paris said.

Magdelena nodded,"I know."


JC popped the trunk open and reached inside, grabbed Adrian, and pulled him out. "Ya take my advice?," JC asked.

"Please, just let me go. I promise I won't say anything, to anyone!," Adrian pleaded with wide eyes. JC, Joey, Lance, Chris and Justin were standing in a circle around Adrian, while Cassandra stayed in the backseat.

JC looked at the other four,"What do you guys think?"

Lance looked Adrian in the eyes and said,"I don't think we should." Adrian felt a chill go up his spine from looking in the cold green eyes.

"I agree," said Justin.

"Chris? Joey?," JC questioned.

"I'm with them," said Chris.

Joey looked at Adrian with a smirk and replied,"So am I."

JC turned back to Adrian,"We voted and it looks like you lost."

Adrian frantically shook his head,"What are you going to do?"

"Use your imagination," growled Chris.

"Why are you guys doing this?! Because of Magdelena?," asked Adrian.

All five of them looked at Adrian and Justin asked,"Are you really that stupid?"

"You raped our friend. Do you just expect us to forgive and forget?," hissed Lance. Adrian just stayed silent and JC reached his right hand behind his back, into the waistband of his jeans, and pulled out a .9Millimeter. The other guys followed suit and before Adrian knew it he had five guns pointed at him.

He dropped to his knees and placed his hands together, and started begging,"Please! Don't kill me! Please!"

Chris reached down, grabbed Adrian by the shirt collar, and yanked him to his feet. "Take it like a man!," growled Chris.

"Why don't we play a little game?" Joey asked with a mischivous grin.

"What kind of game?," asked JC.

Joey's grin grew bigger as he began explaining,"We all five empty our guns. We only leave one bullet in each gun and take turns shooting at him. Until we've all used the bullets in our guns. Viola! Russian Roulette!"

The other four smiled and Justin said,"I like that game." They took all the bullets, except for one, out of their guns, putting the bullets in their pockets. Adrian looked at them, like a deer caught in headlights. His eyes started darting around and Lance could tell he was looking for an escape route.

"Don't even think about it," Lance hissed at him. Adrian's shoulders dropped and he decided to just accept defeat.

"Here we go," JC said as he cocked the hammer on his gun. He aimed it at Adrian's chest and pulled the trigger. Adrian closed his eyes but when he didn't feel the bullet he opened them and sighed in relief. They went around in a circle; JC, Joey, Justin, Lance and Chris. On the last round Lance's bullet his Adrian in the leg. Adrian fell down, crying out in pain. Chris got him in the arm, Joey's bullet hit Adrian in the other leg and Justin's made it's mark in Adrian's stomach.

JC stepped upto Adrian, who was sitting on the ground, crying in pain, and said,"Guess you know what this means."

Adrian shook his head and, pleadingly, whispered,"Please. Don't."

JC shook his head,"Tsk. Tsk. Everyone has to pay for their crimes." JC cocked the hammer of his gun, put the barrell against Adrian's head, and pulled the trigger.


"Hello Magdelena, how are you feeling today?," Doctor Madden asked as he walked into her room.

"Okay," Magdelena softly said with a shrug.

Doctor Madden gave a tiny smile and replied,"Well, that's good. I have some news for you, you get to go home this morning."

"That's great!," exclaimed Rodney.

"I just need to get the papers fixed up and I'll send them in with a nurse." With that said he walked out if the room and toward the nurses' station.

An hour later, a nurse appeared in the room, and said,"I just need to get Mr. and Mrs. Matthews signitures on this. And, I have a couple of prescriptions to give you to get filled. The nurse handed Rodney a pen, and he and Paris proceeded to sign the papers. The nurse tore off the green copy, giving it to them, and keeping the yellow copy.

"Here, these are the two prescriptions that the doctor wants you to get filled. There's Hydrocodone, for the pain, and a prescription for a sleeping pill."

"Okay, we're get those filled today," said Paris.

The nurse nodded and said,"Good. Now, Magdelena, will have to come back in six weeks to get that nose cast off. If you want, you can ask for Doctor Madden when you come. If he's not here, another doctor will get it taken care of. You're free to go now, Magdelena." Magdelena had changed into an outfit that her parents took her and hopped off the bed.

"Ready?," asked Paris. Magdelena nodded slighty and they walked out of the door.

Two hours later, Magdelena heard a knock on her door, and said,"Yeah?"

The door opened and Cassandra peeked her head in,"Ready for some company?"

Magdelena nodded her head,"Are the other guys here also?" Cassandra nodded and walked in, followed by JC, Justin, Joey, Chris and Lance.

They all sat around the bed and Chris said,"Hey, Mags."

She gave a slight smile,"Hey guys."

"Hey, Mags, feeling any better?" Asked Justin. Magdelena shrugged but stayed silent.

The others exchanged looks, which Magdelena caught, and she asked,"What are the looks about?"

JC sighed,"There's something that you need to know." He turned to the others and asked,"Can you leave us alone for a few minutes? I want to talk to Mags." They nodded and silently left, as JC turned to face Magdelena.

Magdelena wore a worried look as she asked,"What's the matter?"

JC sighed and said,"Well, the police won't find Adrian."

"What? What do you mean?," asked a confussed Magdelena.

JC paused and replied,"Well...he's been taken care of. Cassandra, the other guys, and I went and got him and took him somewhere. Cass stayed in the car, but the others and I played Russian Roulette, kind of. Anyway, he's dead."

Magdelena looked at him and asked,"Why? What if someone tells the cops?" JC shook his head,"They won't. People know better in this neighborhood. As for why, we all care about you, and you're one of us. I know that you and I haven't talked a whole lot, but I still care for you. And, if you need anything, don't hesitate to talk to me about it. Okay?"

Magdelena gave a slight smile,"Okay. So, where did you put Adrian?" Magdelena wasn't one for killing people but you didn't question the gangs, even if they were your friends. 'Besides, he hurt me. He deserved it!,' she told herself.

"Somewhere where he won't be found. We have connections that took care of the problem for us, don't worry."

Magdelena nodded, but thought to herself, ' That's easier said than done.'

Chapter 9
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