*A month later*

"Hey JC, you here to see Mags?," asked Paris after she'd answered the door. He nooded and she said,"She's in her room. You can go on up but please try to get her to come down."

JC nodded,"I'll do my best." As he walked to her room, he thought about the past month. He'd spent a lot of time with Magdelena, trying to get her back to her old self and had found himself falling in love with her.

'No, that's not right. I already had feelings for her, but this past month has made them deepen.' He thought silently. He knocked on the door and opened it,"Mags?" She was sitting on her bed with her knees bent to her chest and her arms wrapped around her knees. 'She looks so fragile,' JC thought as he walked closer to her.

"Hey," she softly said.

He sat down, gently, on the bed, and said,"Hey. How are you today?"

"Same old, same old," she replied.

He nodded,"We're all so worried about you. You haven't seen Cass and the others in about a week and you're not going to school like you used to."

She shrugged,"What's the point?"

He looked at her and said,"The point is to take control of your life again. Not let that scumbag win even in death."

Magdelna sighed,"You don't understand. You don't know what I feel...what goes through my head..."

JC put his hand on her chin, gently forcing her to look him in the eyes, and said,"Then tell me, Mags." She hesitated for a few minutes, as he waited paitently.

She blew out a long breath and then whispered,"I feel so...dirty. Ever since that...night...it's like I can't get enough showers...like I can't get clean enough." She paused as the tears started falling. "And, I keep thinking, who will ever want me? Who will ever love me? I'm used, contaminated goods. I was a....vir-virgin....until that night, and now...."

JC felt his heart breaking. He used the pads of his thumbs to wipe away the tears and said,"Listen to me. You, Magdelena Elizabeth Matthews, are a beautiful woman and any guy would be lucky to have you. I know that that was your...first time...and it was a horriable act."

She shook her head,"How can you say these things? I'm dirty, used, ugly....who in their right mind would want me?"

"You are none of those things, and I for one would want you. I have deep feelings for you, Mags. If, and when, you feel the same I'll be here. When you're ready."

She looked at him, shock plain in her eyes, and said,"Thanks, Josh. I've liked you for a while, but after that night....well...You'll wait for me?"

He nodded,"For as long as you need me to." He gave a little chuckle,"Josh. It's been a while since anyone has been allowed to call me that but I'll make the exception for you."

"So, I should feel honored?," she teased.

He smirked,"Now that you mention it..." She gave him a punch in the arm as he laughed.

"So, you want to go over to Joey and Cass's? They've all missed you," JC said. Magdelena bit her lip as she thought about it.

'I'm not comfortable out of the house. But I have to see my friends...'

Finally, she nodded,"Yeah. Just give me a few minutes to shower and change."

"I'll be downstairs." She showered and then changed her clothes.

When she walked downstairs, JC mentally cursed Adrian. 'She used to be so free and all, and now she dresses in sweatshirts and sweatpants!' He silently thought.

"You ready?," he asked.

She nodded and yelled,"Mom. I'm going over to Cass and Joey's house with JC!"

"Okay sweetie, be careful!," her mother said from the kitchen. Her parents were just happy that she was getting out of her room.

"I brought my car," he said. She hesitated slighty, and then got in. "Here we are," JC said as he parked the car. Magdelena took a deep breath as they made their way to the door.

'Why are you so nervous? You've known these people forever!' She scolded herself. JC walked in and they went into the livingroom.

"Hey, Mags!," Chris said jumping up. They were all so excited to see her and they took turns hugging the breath out of her.

"Hey all," she said.

When they were all sitting, Lance asked,"How ya been?"

She shrugged,"Okay. I'm sorry that I had you all worried."

"It's okay," Cassandra replied.

"Just know that we're all here for you," Joey said.

Magdelena nodded,"Yeah. I don't know very many people that would kill someone because they hurt me."

"Well, you know us. We love Mags, you're part of the family, and nobody hurts people we care about. We would've done the same thing for Cass," Justin said.

*Two weeks later*

"Don't worry about it mom, JC said he'd take me."

Paris nodded,"If you're sure?"

Magdelena smiled,"I'm sure. I'll go, get the cast off, and be back in a little while. Just go to work, and don't worry."

Paris smiled,"Okay. You're dad's already at work, or he would've taken you. I guess I'll go now, be careful."

Magdelena nodded,"Will do. I'll see ya later."

'Today's the day,' she thought as she sat down to wait for JC. A few minutes later JC knocked on the door.

"Hey," she said.

"Hi, ready?"

She nodded,"Yeah." When they were on their way to the hospital, she said,"I'll be glad to get this thing off! I'll actually be able to scratch my nose properly again!"

JC laughed,"Glad to see you in a good mood today."

Magdelena shrugged,"I'm trying."

"Hi, is Doctor Madden here?" Magdelena asked the nurse behind the nurses' station.

"Yes he is, please have a seat."

"Hey, Magdelena," a voice said a few minutes later.

"Hi Doctor Madden. This is my friend JC."

"Ahh..yes...you were one of the ones that brought Magdelena in that night." JC nodded and the walked back into a room.

"Okay, hop up on the table." Magdelena, with JC's help, got on the table and waited.

"Okay, all I'm going to do is make a cut in the cast and then I'll be able to break it open. It shouldn't hurt, but you will feel a slight pressure." Magdelena nodded and Doctor Madden took out a small pair of sissors. He made a small cut at the top of the cast and started to pull it. Magdelena involuntarily flinched and waited for Doctor Madden to be through.

A couple of minutes later, he announced,"I'm all done. That wasn't so bad was it?"

She shook her head,"No, sir."

He smiled,"Well, you're free to go."

"Thanks," JC said.

"Can we just sit here for a minute. There's something that I want to talk to you about," Magdelena said once they were in the car again.

"Sure," he said. They turned to face each other and Magdelena took a deep breath.

"I don't know how long you're suppossed to wait after an incident like mine, but....I'm ready."

"Ready?," JC asked. Then his eyes widened and he asked,"Are you sure? I told you that I'd wait as long as you needed to."

"I know but I've thought about it since then. I talked to Cass and my mom, and I'm ready to be with you. But I'm not ready for.... you know."

JC nodded,"I understand. Please believe me when I say that I wouldn't foce you to do anything that you aren't comfortable with."

She nodded,"I do."

"Well, would you like to go out tonight?"

She smiled, shyly,"Absolutly."

Chapter 10
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