JD Dunne was standing behind the bar at Travis's Four Corners Bar, owned by Orin and Evie Travis. He was whistling as he dried off a glass with a towel, before placing it under the bar. He was the bartender and he loved, well, almost loved his job. He made good tips, met intresting people and had a great boss. He just wished something could be done about the punks that showed up every night, starting fights before they were escorted off the property. He'd already had ten stitches in his forehead, where a beer bottle had hit him, and had gotten a broken nose when a man's head had connected with it. He sighed and shook his head, he just wished there was something to be done.

He looked up when he heard the front door open and smiled when he saw it was the bar's accountant, Ezra Standish. "Hey, Ez."

Ezra sighed and said, "Mabey one day in the near future you will see fit to grace me with my full name. Ezra."

JD shrugged and smirked, "Maybe."

Ezra shook his head and said, "I'd better get to work. Mister Travis will expect a report on the financial situation when he gets back tonight."

"Where exactly did Orin go?," JD curiously asked.

"He just told me that he had some buisness to see about. I suppose we'll find out when he returns." With that said, Ezra turned and walked into his office, shutting the door.

JD glanced at the clock and saw that it wasfour in the afternoon, one more hour until they opened for buisness. They were a nightclub bar, they had drinking and dancing, so they didn't open until late in the evening. JD was so busy drying the glasses that he didn't hear Casey walk up to the bar counter.

"Hey, JD."

He looked up with a smile and said, "Hey, Sweetie." He leaned over the counter and gave her a small kiss and said, "You ready for work?"

Casey was a waitress at the bar and she noddded, "Yep. Good to go." She was silent for a moment before speaking again and said, "I just hope those jerks don't show up again tonight."

JD sighed, "Me too. I want you to be careful." JD always worried about Casey working at the bar because of the punks that would go in every night. It helped, a little, that he worked there also and could keep an eye on her.

"How's Nettie doing today?," JD asked.

Casey frowned, "So-so. She's still trying to get over that broken hip and hates that it's making her have to move slowly."

JD lightly laughed, "Sounds like Nettie. Woman can't sit still very long."

"That's the truth!" Casey glanced at the clock and said, "I'm going to go in to the bathroom and get my waitress uniform on before the people start pouring in."

JD nodded, gave her another kiss and went back to his work while she walked off. The other two waitresses, Julie and Li Pong, showed up along with the cook, Alan. Evie walked downstairs from her and Orin's upstairs apartment and told JD hi.

"Hey, I was just getting ready to open the doors."

Evie smiled, "Good. I'll be in the back if you need me, JD." JD nodded and walked to the doors, unlocking them. Half-an-hour later, they had a pretty good crowd and JD was busy filling orders at the bar. "Two scotches on the rocks and a gin tonic," Li Pong said to him.

"Coming right up," said a smiling JD. He filled the order, her sitting the drinks on her tray one at a time.

"Thanks," she said before taking off. Around nine, JD saw Orin walk in to the bar with five other men. Orin gave a wave as he walked in to the back, as the other men split up and went to different parts of the bar. A tall man, dressed in black and gray, with blond hair walked over to the bar and JD asked, "What can I get ya?"

Coffee. Black," the man said. JD nodded and poured him a cup of coffee, sitting it down in front of him. He was curious as to who the man was but the waitresses and customers didn't give him time to dwell on it, as they kept him busy filling drink orders. By one in the morning, they were cleaned and closed down. The only people left were Ezra, Li Pong, Casey, JD, Orin and Evie Travis, Julie, Alan and the five strangers. JD was happy because he had made pretty good tips from the customers sitting at the bar. And, even though the group of punks had shown up, the long-haired stranger had escorted them out without causing a scene. Everyone, except for the strangers and the Travis's, were sitting in chairs. Orin began to speak, "I called this meeting to introduce you all to some people. I want you to listen to what they say. I will now give the floor to Chris Larabee." The blond, dar-dressed, man looked at them all and make eye contact with each and every one of them.

As you heard Mister Travis say, I'm Chris Larabee." He pointed to the long-haired man in a buckskin jacket, "This is Vin Tanner." He pointed to a black man and said, "Nathan Jackson." He gestured to a tall older gentleman," Josiah Sanchez." He pointed to a man that had a mustache and friendly face, "And, this is Buck Wilmington." He paused for a moment and continued, "Mister Travis has hired my men and myself to work here. He informed me that you all have been having a problem with that gang of young guys that came in tonight, and the former bouncer was just not cutting it. Vin, Buck, Josiah and Nathan are bouncers. I am the cooler. I make sure they're doing their jobs and I'm here in case things get out of hand. They answer to me, only to me. If any of you have a problem with a customer and can't handle it, you get either one of my men or myself. We are not here to fight, we're here to try and keep the peace. Is everything clear?" JD and the others nodded and Chris said, "Good."

Orin spoke again, "Go on home everyone. See ya'all tomorrow, 'night."

All of the emploees told everyone bye and started walking out of the bar. "You didn't know he was going to do that?," JD asked Ezra.

"Yes, Mister Dunne, I knew. But Mister Travis specified that I tell not a soul, that is what I did. Good-night." He tipped his head at Casey and said, "Good-night, Miss. Wells."

"Good-night, Ezra." JD walked Casey to her car, gave her a kiss and said he'd see her the next afternoon. He, then, got in his little blue Honda and drove away, while hoping that having the new guys would help keep peace at the club.

'Only time will tell,' he thought.

Chapter Two
My Magnificent Seven Fan Fiction
My Fan Fiction