"Oh, uh, hi Mister and Misses Travis," JD greeted.

"Hello, dear," said a smiling Evie Travis. Her and Orin walked into the room and Evie asked, "Feeling any better?"

JD tilted a hand back and forth and said, "So-so."

"So, what is it that you have to tell us?," asked Orin.

JD knew that the Travis's needed to know and he figured this was as good a time as any. Plus, if Orin decided to hurt him, he was already in the hospital. Before he could speak, however, a nurse walked into the room.

"Look, who's awake," she said with a smile. "I just need to check you I.V. and take your blood pressure." She walked over to him, looking at his I.V. bag and then put the blood pressure cuff around his uper right arm. After a few minutes, she patted his hand and said, "All done. Do you need anything?"

"No, thank you, ma'am." The nurse nodded and left them alone, once again. "Maybe you two should sit down," JD said as he motioned to two empty chairs.

"Go ahead, Evie. I'm fine standing." Evie Travis took a seat and Orin said, "Why don't you just tell us what you're wanting to tell us."

JD nodded, taking a deep breath, and smiled gratefully at Cassie when she took his hand in hers for support. An hour later, JD concluded his story to two very sunned Travis's and waited wearily for their responses.

"Let me get this straight. You know who shot you and you brought your troubles into my buissness and home, endangering myself, my wife, my employees and our customers? How could you do that?"

"I'm sorry, you'll never know how much. But I thought that I had left them behind, it was four years ago. I thought it was safe." JD lowered his head, "When they release me, I'll quit and you can find a new bartender."

Evie jumped to her feet, "No. You are not going to quit. You're like part of our family, just like all of our employees are. Isn't that right, Orin."

Orin nodded and sighed, "Yeah. But we've got to figure out to do about this mess. We can't have those men shooting up our place again, especially with customers and employees in there." Orin scratched his chin as he thought and said, "You need to tell Chris and the others what's going on. They can help us keep a look-out for these men. If all else fails, we'll have to go to the police and you can tell them what you told us."

JD really didn't want to do that. But if it was a choice between his friends being in danger and going to the police, it was a no brainer. JD nodded at Orin and Evie, "Anything to keep everyone safe."

"We'll we'd better be going. We have a contractor coming to repair the bar. We'll wait unil you get out and, then, have a meeting and you can talk to everyone. They all deserve to know what's going on," said Orin.

"Okay." When Orin and Evie had reached the doorway, JD spoke again. "I really am sorry about all this." Evie gave him a sad smile and said, "We know." Orin just nodded and they left.

JD looked at Cassie, "Well, they took it better than I thought they would."

Cassie gave a slight smile, "You don't give Mister and Misses Travis enough credit."

JD nodded, "I know." He was silent for a moment before speaking again, "I dread having to tell everyone else about all this. I just don't want anyone hating me or in danger because of me."

Cassie leaned over and gave a quick kiss, "I know. But you'll have me there with you. And, the Travis's also. Everything will be okay."

"I know, you're right. Now, I just have to find out when they're going to let me out of this place. The sooner the better."

Cassie softly laughed as she shook her head, "You and hospitals. Ya'all need to work out your differences."

"Don't I know it," JD sighed.

A few minutes later, Doctor Manner walked in and said, "Hey, Mister Dunne. How are you feeling?"

"Alright. So, Doc, when am I going to get outta here?"

"Not today. We have to see how you're doing. You were lucky that the bullet went straight through and didn't make contact with anything vital. But I still want to make sure that you recover nicely. So, if everything goes okay, I might let you out in a week."

"A week!," exclaimed JD. When the doctor nodded, he continued, "But Doc..."

"No buts, Mister Dunne," Doctor Manner stated firmly. JD sighed in resignation and remained silent. Twenty minutes later, the doctor was done with checking on him and left, reminding him to be good. There was a knock on the doorframe and JD saw that it was Ezra and Li Pong.

"C'mon in," said a smiling JD.

"Hello, JD. Cassie," said Ezra.

"Hey, Ez," smirked JD. Ezra just rolled his eyes as Li Pong greeted JD and Cassie.

"When are you getting out?," Li Pong asked.

JD sighed, "The doctor said I'll get out in a week if everything's okay. I wish it was sooner, though."

"You'll just have to make the most of it," said Cassie.

JD cocked an eyebrow at her before turning back to Ezra. "How's everything going with the club?"

"It's getting repaired as we speak."

"Are the police there askin' a bunch of questions?"

Ezra shook his head,"No. Mister Travis put a stop to it, they have not stopped by at all."

JD smiled, "Mister Travis has a lot of influence here."

"Knowing judges, cops and everyone in between can give a person all of that influence," smirked Ezra.

"Guess so. Everyone's okay at the club? No hurt customers or anything?"

"No. Maybe a few scratches but you are the only one that cut seriously hurt," answered Li Pong.

"That's good. Not the part about me getting shot but that nobody else was hurt."

"I need to get back to the club and get Li Pong home. Rest and get better and try not to give the hospital staff to much trouble."

JD smiled, "I'll think about it."

Cassie gave JD a mock glare,"He won't. Not unless he wants to deal with me."

JD sighed and said, "I'd better stay on her good side. I guess the hospital staff is safe from me." They all laughed as Ezra and Li Pong told them farewell before taking off.

Chapter Five
My Magnificent Seven Fan Fiction
My Fan Fiction