One Week Later

"Mister Dunne, are you ready to, as you put it, blow this popsicle stand?," asked a smiling Doctor Manner.

JD eagerly nodded, "Oh yeah!"

"Okay, I just need to check a few things and, then, you can be on your way." He paused a moment, looking around, "You do have someone picking you up? You are still in no shape to drive just yet."

"Yeah, Casey'll be here in a few minutes. No sweat, Doc."

Doctor Manner smiled and started checking JD's bandages and wounds on his side. He nodded his head, "The wounds look like they're healing nicely, no sign of infection. Now, do not forget to change the bandages at least twice a day. Once in the morning, once before you go to bed. Also, remember that you have to have those stitches taken out in two more weeks. You can either come here and a doctor will take them out or you can go to your regular physician."

"I'll most likely be back here, I don't have a regular doctor."

That's fine. I'll have you an appointment made before you leave, okay?" JD nodded and Doctor Manner continued, "I'm going to have a nurse get your release papers, your appointment and your presciptions. Hang tight."

"Hey, Sweetie, they letting you go now?" Cassie asked as she walked into the room.

JD nodded, "Yeah. Doctor Manner just went to have a nurse get my papers and all. I guess she'll be here in a few." Cassie and JD sat in the room, talking, as they waited for the nurse. After what seemed like an eternity, but was really only half-an-hour, a nurse appeared.

"Mister Dunne, Doctor Manner has written you a presciption for Hydrocodone, to help with the pain." The nurse said as she handed him the prescription. "And, these," she continued, "are your release papers. And, your appointment card. Now, you are not to lift anything heavy, do a lot of stretching, or a lot of bending down and upright." After the nurse had handed JD all of his papers, she said, "I have a wheelchair out in the hall to wheel you downstairs."

"What?! I don't need that thing!," exclaimed JD when the nurse returned with the wheelchair.

The nurse smiled, "Sorry, Mister Dunne. Hospital policy."

"Come on, JD. The sooner you get in the wheelhair, the sooner you can leave this hospital," said Casey.

JD sighed and nodded, "Let's go." After he was seated in the wheeelchair, the nurse wheeled him downstairs with Casey walking beside him. An hour later, Casey parked her white Sedan in front of JD's apartment complex and helped him to his front door. "Comin' in?," asked JD.

"Sorry, can't. I need to get home and check on Aunt Nettie."

"I understand. I'm going to go in and call Mister Travis and set up a meeting with everyone for tomorrow. Can you be here at noon tomorrow?"

"Sure," said a smiling Casey.

"Good. I'll see ya then," JD said before leaning over and giving her a tender kiss on the lips.

Once inside and seated on the couch, JD picked up the phone.

"Hey, Mister T, it's JD." "Yeah, I'm okay. I just got home from the hospital and I wanted to set up a meeting tomorrow with everyone, to tell them about what's going on." "Here at my apartment, tomorrow, at noon. Is that okay?" "Great, see ya then Mister T."

JD hung up the phone, got up and decided that he'd go to bed early. 'Tomorrow's gonna be a big day,' he thought before he fell asleep.

By twelve-thirty, the next day, everyone was at JD's apartment, ready to hear what he had to say.

JD took a deep breath, looking at everyone seated around his livingroom. "I wanted you all here today so that I could tell you what the Travis's and Casey have already found out. Who shot me last week." After pausing for a moment, JD told them the same thing that he'd told the Travis's and Casey a week before. When he was finished, there was stunned silence that lasted all of one minute.

"This is crazy," murmered the cook, Alan.

"JD wanted you all to know, so that you could watch out for yourselves. If there's anyone that wishes to not work at Four Corners, let me know. We won't think of you any different," spoke Orin Travis.

"I love working there, I can't imagine working anywhere else," Julie, the waitress, said.

"Me either. I guess we'll take our chances," said Alan.

Li Pong and Ezra looked at each other and Li Pong said, "We will also, Mister Travis."

"Great," said Evie Travis with a watery smile. She added, "We'd hate to lose any of you."

Orin turned to Chris and his guys, "I'm hoping you five will stay on as well. We will need the extra help in case those men decide to attack again."

"What about the police?," asked Chris.

"We do not want them involved quite yet. If things can't be cleared up, then we go to the police. JD has agreed with this. Will you all stay?"

Chris sighed, "Yes. But I'm still in charge of the security." He looked at JD and, firmly, said, "If anything happens you will tell me." JD knew that it was an order, not a question, and nodded in agreement. Chris turned to his four men and asked, "What about you all? Stayin'?"

"Yeah, Brother Chris. We are a team after all."

Josiah said as Nathan nodded his head in agreement, "Yep."

Buck sighed and shook his head, "I can't believe this. We're getting involved with, God knows what, because some kid decided to play with the big boys when he was younger!" JD was a little hurt by his remark but tried not to let it show, know he wasn't successful.

Chris glared at Buck, "In or out?"

"In," said Buck with a heavy sigh.

"Aw, hell," said a shrugging Vin, "why not?"

"We're all staying, Mister Travis. Now let's talk about what we plan to do if these men attack again," said Chris. Orin nodded and two hours later, they had a plan.

Chapter Six
My Magnificent Seven Fan Fiction
My Fan Fiction