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Gray Seals

Description A large seal. Variable coloration; grayish to almost black above, somewhat paler below. Male usually dark with lighter splotches; female light with dark splotches. Head squarish; snout long; nostrils form W shape. Male larger than female; has wrinkled neck. L male to 9' 10" (3 m), female to 7' 7" (2.3 m); Wt male to 770 lb (350 kg), female to 440 lb (200 kg).
Length Body 8-10' Long
Habitat Water near shore with rocky coasts and islands.
Range Labrador south to New England.


The Gray Seal gathers in groups to feed on such bottom-dwelling fish as pollack, haddock, capelin, cod, flounder, and whiting, as well as squid and octopus. Adults make threatening hoots, barks, and hisses; pups a shrill yap. The Gray Seal maneuvers better on land than other members of its family and may crawl far inland to breed and give birth. Once quite rare, the Gray Seal was protected, and populations have been increasing rapidly in the past few years.

Last Updated: May 19, 2004 10:10 AM