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In FFX, each character has a special attack unique to themselves, that is accessible only when the overdrive bar (visible underneath the character’s name) fills up and turns bright orange. The attacks dealt by the character in overdrive are usually more powerful than normal attacks.  This page will describe how to fill up your overdrive bar to gain access to the overdrive attacks; and what each attack of each character does.


Overdrive Modes


There are several ways in which you can fill up your overdrive bar. You begin the game with Stoic, which makes the overdrive gauge fill whenever you are attacked by an enemy. The following is a list of other modes of filling your overdrive bar, which you will unlock during game play.


Ally – Overdrive bar charges on character’s turn.


Avenger – Overdrive charges when an ally other than the character is KO’d.


Comrade – Overdrive gauge fills whenever an ally is attacked by the enemy.


Coward – Overdrive bar charges when the character escapes or flees the battle. 


Dancer – Overdrive fills when the character successfully dodges an enemy attack.


Daredevil – Overdrive bar fills when the character is fighting in a critical condition.


Healer – Increases overdrive gauge whenever character increases the HP of an ally. (It will not increase if you heal yourself).


Hero – Fills overdrive when you kill an enemy with 2 times the usual HP damage.


Rook – Overdrive charges whenever the character nullifies an enemy’s elemental/ status attack.


Slayer – Overdrive bar fills whenever you kill an enemy.


Solo – Overdrive bar fills when the character is the only one left standing in battle.


Stoic – This is the overdrive mode your characters start out on. As mentioned above, it causes the overdrive bar to fill when the character has been attacked by the enemy.


Sufferer – Overdrive fills whenever the character is hit with a status ailment.


Tactician – Overdrive bar fills when you inflict a negative status attack on the enemy.


Victor – Overdrive bar fills when the party wins a battle with the character as an included character.


Victim – Overdrive increases when the character fights with a status ailment.


Warrior – Causes the overdrive bar to fill whenever you attack the enemy. (It will not fill if you damage the enemy during an overdrive, or if you use items).


Character Overdrives


Now we get into the specifics – the overdrives and attacks of each character and how to get them.


Tidus – Swordplay

Spiral Cut: Damages a single enemy. You start the game with this.

Slice and Dice: Damages all enemies. You must have successfully executed 10 overdrives to get this attack.

Energy Rain: Damages all enemies. To get this attack, you must complete 30 successful overdrives.

Blitz Ace: Tidus’ most powerful overdrive attack – really good for boss fights. It deals a great deal of damage to one enemy. To get it, you must successfully execute 80 overdrives.


Yuna – Grand Summon

Causes Yuna to summon an aeon with a full overdrive gauge. After completing Yuna’s Grand Summon overdrive, the aeon will go back to its original overdrive gauge – so, if the aeon’s overdrive was full before Yuna’s grand summon, you can use two overdrives in a row.


Wakka – Slots

Wakka’s slot reels are just that. Like a game of pokies, only instead of winning money, it determines what attack to carry out on the enemy.


Elemental Reels – Deals elemental magic damage. Match two of the same element  to deal elemental damage to a random enemy, and match three of the same element to deal elemental damage to all enemies. Wakka starts with this overdrive.

Attack Reels – Match the reels correctly to deal powerful attacks against a random enemy. This overdrive is won in Blitzball tournaments.

Status Reels – Match reels correctly to inflict various status ailments against the enemy. This overdrive is won in Blitzball league matches.

Aurochs Reels – Match reels correctly to inflict either elemental, attack or status damage to the enemy. This overdrive is won in Blitzball tournaments after all the other reels have been won.


Lulu – Fury

This overdrive attack casts several black magic spells on all enemies. To achieve it, you must rotate the right analog stick as fast as you can before the timer reaches zero. The amount of times you’ve rotated the stick in that time is the amount of black magic attacks to be cast on the enemy (the most attacks I’ve ever reached are 6). The black magic spells become available for use in Fury as you learn them on the sphere grid. The following are a list of the spells you can use in Fury: Fire, Fira, Firaga, Blizzard, Blizzara, Blizzaga, Thunder, Thundara, Thundaga, Water, Watera, Waterga, Bio, Demi, Death, Drain, Osmose, Flare and Ultima.


Rikku – Mix

Rikku can mix various items to either deal damage to the enemy or to heal and enhance the party’s status. The best (and most fun) way to learn Mixes is to experiment with items yourself, but I’ve taken the liberty of recording some of my own personal favourites to get you started.


Curative Mixes

Potion + Potion, Hi Potion, X Potion or Mega Potion = Ultra Potion – Restores full HP to all party members

Potion + Elixir = Mega Elixir – Restores full HP and MP to all party members

Potion + Bomb Fragment = Nul-All – Nullifies all elemental spells cast on a character

Potion + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality – Doubles the maximum HP of the party

Potion + Twin Stars = Freedom X – Causes 0 MP consumption for party

Potion + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink – Increases the Critical Hit rate of a character

Ether + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink – Increases the Critical Hit rate of the party

Bomb Fragment + Dark Matter = Quartet of Nine – Causes a party member to hit for 9999 HP damage on every turn

Mana Tablet + Door to Tomorrow = Eccentric – Causes a character’s overdrive bar to fill twice as fast


Attack Mixes

Special Sphere + Musk = Calamity Bomb – Deals medium damage to enemies and inflicts them with various status ailments

Bomb Fragment + Shining Gem = Cluster Bomb – Deals a large amount of damage to all enemies

Bomb Core + Lightning Gem = Potato Masher – Deals medium-large damage to all enemies

Grenade + HP Sphere = Chaos Grenade – Deals large damage and status ailments to all enemies

Shining Gem + Dark Matter = Supernova – Deals 9999 HP damage to all enemies


Kimahri – Ronso Rage

By using his ‘Lancet’ skill, Kimahri can learn overdrive attacks from other fiends. Here’s a rundown of the attacks he can learn, what they do, and where Kimahri can learn them.


Jump – The overdrive Kimahri starts off with. He jumps high into the air and lands hard on the enemy, impaling it with his Lance.

Aqua BreathDeals a powerful water attack. Kimahri can learn this from Biran, Chimera, Chimera Brain and Chimerageist.

Bad BreathInflicts a multitude of status ailments upon an enemy – for example – Confusion, Sleep, Silence, Berserk, Curse and Darkness. This attack can be learned from the Marlboro, the Great Marlboro and the Marlboro Menace.

Doom Counts down to the enemy’s death. Learn from Ghost and Wraith.

Fire BreathInflicts fire damage on the enemy. Learn from Dual Horn and Grendel.

Mighty Guard – Casts Protect, Shell, NulBlaze, NulTide, NulShock and NulFrost on all characters. Kimahri can learn this useful spell from the Behemoth and the Behemoth King.

Seed Cannon – Shoots out seeds to damage the enemy and inflict Confusion. Learn it from Ragora and Grat.

Self Destruct – Kimahri sacrifices himself to deal damage to all enemies. Be sure to know what you’re doing when you use this attack, however. Kimahri really has self-destructed. He cannot return to that particular battle, nor can he be replaced, so you’ll be fighting the battle with only two characters. Kimahri is able to learn this attack from Bomb and Grenade.

Stone Breath – Inflicts Petrification on all enemies and causes them to explode. Learn it from Anacondaur, Basilisk or Biran.

Thrust Kick – Deals a fatal attack that ejects the enemy from battle. Learn from YKT-11 or Yenke.

White Wind – Heals and cures a character of all status ailments. Learn from Biran or Dark Flan.


Auron – Bushido

Dragon Fang – Damages all enemies. The overdrive attack that Auron starts off with.

Shooting Star – Obtain the first Jecht Sphere in Macalania Woods to learn this overdrive.

Banishing Blade – In order to learn this overdrive attack, you must find three Jecht spheres

Tornado – Find all ten Jecht spheres to learn this overdrive attack.


Terribly sorry that I don’t have more information on where to get the Jecht Spheres. Personally my Auron was levelled up to do 9999 HP damage each time so I didn’t really have need to get all of his overdrives; however, GameFAQs should have an FAQ to help you.