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Through Sara's Eyes

She lived in a mansion on a hill

Her every need fulfilled

Diamonds and gold adorned her beauty

Silks and satins caressed her body

Servants at hand to do her bidding

Her hands were soft with nails of red

With never a hair on her head out of place

A model of beauty was she

She had it all this woman of status

Perfect children, a handsome husband

What more could she ask for

It was all hers on a silver platter

But alas in her heart there was something missing

Something she longed for

Not quite sure of what it was

Only that she wanted something more

It filled her heart this emptiness

The feeling of uselessness

If only she knew what it was

Then she could buy it for herself

One day she walked along the shore

Watching the waves roll in

When she happened upon a little child

As she sat playing in the sand

With big blue eyes she looked up at her

Such beauty could she see in them

Her warmth and love shone out from them

Although she saw the child was blind

Asking the little girl her name

She wondered how this could be

Here was a child obviously deprived of sight

Yet so full of love and peace

The peace that she was seeking

Was there inside her eyes

She now knew what she was missing

The peace this child had in her eyes

She asked the child about her life

They talked for quite some time

The inner peace began to grow

Deep within her heart

This innocent child was oh so wise

In what was really important in life

It is all in how you look at things she said

This child without her sight

She left the beach much richer that day

That woman of status from on the hill

Counting all her true blessings and riches in life

With a heart full of love and her eyes wide open

She could finally call herself a very rich woman

Author: Katty Kane

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