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Whispers, soft and warm

Inviting and comforting

Flow through the night

Carried on the gentle night breezes

From your lips to my ears they travel

Pledges of your undying love

Your needs and desires for me

Spoken softly on the breezes

Stirring my soul with desire for you

Wanting fills the night

Warm, fuzzy feelings awake deep inside

A longing that needs to be fulfilled

Images of the two of us fills my dreams

Of what could and should be in my life

I become so deeply intertwined by my dreams

I find my self lost in the world of our desires

Swirling and twirling within my mind

Turning my world upside down

Not knowing how or where to stop

Or even if I really want it all to

I will close my eyes and surrender

Hoping for it all to work out

For our world of love and fantasy

To flow together and become our reality

To be able to reach out and touch you with my love

Author: Katty Kane

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