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Each day he prowls a lonely world

Searching and hoping he'll find

A pathway leading from his solitude

And leave this world behind

Yet this oneness he has come to know

Has made him strong in many ways

Still his heart searches for someone

To share his nights and fill his days...

Then suddenly he sees her there

On lofty granduer high above

But why is it that she soars alone

Is she to, like him, unloved

He gazes in solemn admiration

In her silent motion so precise

At her perfect form and beauty

As bladed wings through Heaven slice

He knows he has found his fortune...

As majestically she flies

Now he is left to search no more

He's found his goddess in the skies

He longs to be inside her

To feel the essence of her love

But this Lonewolf leads a lowly life

And she reigns so high above

Unworthy of her excellence

Her beauty he must shun

Yet he will carry her spirit with him

Until all his days are done...

But Ladyhawk has a mission

Unaware, he did not know

The reason for her soaring

Was to find her hero down below

With her incredibly keen sense of vision

While lifted on aerial patrol

Her searching to was ended

When she looked into his soul...

Now Lonewolf and the Ladyhawk

Though different worlds apart

Will share their dreams together

Deep within each others hearts...


Written by: Lonewolf
I would like to thank Lonewolf for writting this beautiful poem..I only hope I have done it justice....

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