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*~The Beacon In The Night~*

The lone and solitary beam of light

Slicing through the dark silent water

Becomes a warm and welcoming sight

For all those trying to find their way home

In the darkness of the night

Like the lone beacon in the dark

She had his passion and love to...

Kiss her soul and leave his mark

Passion and desire filled their nights

Promises made that they would never part

They were young and so full of life

Time was on their side, days were filled

With dreams of becoming Man and Wife

Plans were made and the day drew near

Then suddenly her heart was cut like a knife

A mutual friend brought the terrible news

His ship had been lost in the tempest seas

With emotions bursting, thoughts running askew

She ran along the shoreline dening it was true

Emptiness filled her soul it was only pain she knew

Her heart cried out in despair for him

Longing for his arms to hold her again

Days passed by and the hopes grew dim

But still she stood on the bluff waiting

Willing her love to safely guide him

She stood, the wind whipping at her hair

Feeling the pain of passion lost

Her soul and heart was layed to bare

She cryed out her loss to the whirling winds

Telling the fates of how it was so unfair

Allowing her such passion and then taking it away

With faith and hope she goes to wait

Standing atop the bluff, hoping in some way

Her presence, like the beacon of light

Will bring her love back safely someday

Author: Katty Kane


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