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. The L i f e of an A n g e l .

And now... all about Halo... the things your parents didn't want you to know.
There is a whole lot to know about me...most of which is probably very boring and mindnumbing to most people..but you clicked on the button to go here so here it is:
Where to appearance...
Height: I'm a tall lass (5'11")
Weight: Maybe 135 (really freakishly thin)
Eyes: green...they shift sometimes.
Hair: is deep hot pinkish-red, goes to my chin, but shaved inderneath.
Piercings: 10:left side of my lower lip, right nostril, labret, 4ga red lucite barbell in tongue, 00ga heavyasallhell silver talons in my lobes + 8ga screws (yes, real screws) + 14ga captives (planning on more)
Tattoos: 2: #1: tribal-like dragon that, yes... I designed.. on the nape of my neck.
#2: a larger black tribal with a thin purple tribal-dragon twisted in it... it's on my upper left arm (shoulder to elbow).
I continue to design tattoos for myself and close friends, I'll be getting another tribal I drew on my mid-lower back.. so is my friend Julie, the same day :)

Hates: labels and the like, bad/meaningless conversation, drunken slobbering males, the ignorant, waiting, long drives, living in NH, people who break promises, broken hearts, beer, rap & country, sunburns/tans, oily shtuff they say is good for moisture yet clogs pores, cigg. smoke, the word "tits", whiners.

Loves:drawing, writing/reading poetry, dancing, my friends, angels and other winged creatures, cats, crows, memories, making my music, movies, sunsets/rises, swimming in natural bodies of water at night, my imagination, creativity, watching pretty people dance, frail females, industrial boys, piercings, tattoos, boots & unique shoes, antique clothing & jewlry, dark chocolate (and the many uses there-of), Disneyworld, being out of NH, seeing old friends, lauging, hugging & kissing, faeries, dragons, mermaids, my life in general... I'll stop here

My pictures are up on this purty site...(more new ones are on the way, and pics of my ink.. and a few others soon!) so if you care to place a face with these words feel free to gawk at my Visions


There's Warr: I don't know how well I could cope with a lot of things without this Angel. He's the silly lactating (don't ask) moo cow goth boy who refers to me as "evil pippy longstockings" but he means well :)
Kara... my goddess, I love Kara so much. She has moved to Boston :( but.... I see her every Monday at Ceremony and Wednesday at ManRay... weeeeee!
Douglas.. Kara's boi, we've been able to spent time outside of the club (finally), chatting, admiring Kara, and shopping!
I also have Laurie.. she is like no other... crazy lil' goth with the coolest music collection.. all in cassettes no less! This girl is very special to me, like the others, if anyone messes with her, they will answer to me, or my fist as I jam it up their nose! yea violence! I love my Laurie!! :)
And.. Dan... he's very sweet and an awesome person to talk with, he's helped me through some of the toughest times in my life, and has also been part of me and my dirty little mind, with no complaints :) Time spend with Dan has been cut short since I moved back to NH, but, like Kara, I see him at least twice a week.. not enough though.
Steve is a silly one, but he always knows what to do or say to make me smile, and that is one of the absolute finest qualities a person can have.. plus he's an awesome dancer.. wicked good dude!
They mean so very much to me....and they know it. I seriously don't know what I'd do without them, they are what true friends are all about.


Gargantua Soul (I love you guys! Marc, Opus, Jason, Kris, all you guys stay in touch!) The Cure, Siouxsie, Front Line Assembly, Depeche Mode, Funket Vogt, Covenant, And One, Front 242, Apoptygma Berzerk, Gary Numan, Teargarden, Faith and the Muse, Portishead, Raspuntina, Wolfsheim, VNV Nation, loveliescrushing, :Wumpscut:, KMFDM, (yes, I admit it..)Manson(pre-dope show era of course), 2wo, Deftones, Delerium, Lycia, some classical, Chainsaws & Children, Skinny Puppy, Madonna, Bjork, Magenta, Tool, NIN.....the list goes on.

Love & Life lovelife...such a long tale, I really don't feel like repeating it all to your hungry eyes... so, byebye.. the end.

I'm still stuck New Hampster. Hopefully soon I will be moving back to Boston. That will certainly be a good time.I know things will get underway within a month.

Buh Bye
Well...that's all the babbling I'll do for now....all that's left is for you to sign the guestbook!! yay! :)
Have fun kids! Be good! And get home by midnight!


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