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Save the image as it is then copy and paste the HTML code below onto the page where you put all your webring crud...etc. etc.
I have an alternative image for those of you ~like myself~ whom use a lighter background for their site.. it's below the sample.

I do have a few requirements...the site must be good quality, not just something you threw together over the weekend.
I don't favor the cheesy graphics (i.e. flaming skulls and dripping blood) Yes, they are silly/funny, but we can save that stuff for Dead Alive.'s not manditory, but if you have some good amount of well done poetry (your own) on your site then there's a good chance you'll be accepted.
Self pictures are also a plus, it's not required, but it'll help in the decision making process.
-=whooo...that sounded corny=-

Now there are three things left to do... here ==> Join Darkened Splendor and fill out the form there.

2. Save the image as it is
(clicking the right mouse button and selecting "save as"...etc.)

3.Then copy and paste the HTML code below onto the page where you put all your webring crud...(clicking the right mouse button again where the text is..and "view source")....etc. etc. Or copy it here

Any questions, just e-mail me.

~*it should appear like this*~

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an alternative..

angels have seen the light

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