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. Q u o t e s .

Here is a cute little section where I post quotes that I like, find funny, or that have a lot of meaning. But most of these probably won't make any sense to you....
Anyway.....if you have a quote you'd like me to post, E-mail me and we'll talk.
So here they are...I stumble upon new quotes daily, so keep checking back :)

"There are no happy endings.....Because nothing ends"

"..let me lead you to a place where lonliness is tackled with a kiss, a kiss that has no ropes no strings, no obligations.."

"Pet the pretty kitty, pet pet pet, kitty kitty kitty"
-=some dude on 'Hey Arnold'=-

"even though you're dead, you're still impressed by the backflip"
-=that guy=-

"Ok..this is getting old.."
"not as old as your mom!"

"I'm..........just a mermaid.."

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