Days of Wonder and Glory

April 23, 2000

These are the days of wonder and glory, for I have just begin to do this great work upon the face of this world. I shall increase the power and glory as you come and seek Me, not for the power, but cause You Love To Seek Me, and Want More of Me. That is the reason that You should seek me, not for power, or your glory, for I shall rip down all that is not of me in the coming days, and all that is not of Me, will be ripped down with a mighty roar from heaven, and all will know when they see me roar, that I have brought down not only glory but judgment from heaven in these days, for truly these days are days of wonder and glory in heaven, coming down upon the earth. All that seek Me with the heart of purity and love and of wanting only to have Me glorified, will have great power in these days, for all that are faithful to Me, and that are know My spirit, and know truth will have the power in these last days. All that have sought Me with the heart of Ananias and Sapphira, which was a heart of selfish desire, to be glorified before man, will be ripped out of their places, and My judgment shall come down upon them.. For no false worship, whether it is to glorify self, or for false gain will be able to stand in this fire and judgment that shall come forth from heaven with a mighty consuming fire. All that is false and not of Me, will be consumed in fire, and destroyed, all that is of Me, will explode with My holy fire, for I shall glorify My name in their hearts, and many will be saved with they see the work I shall do by their hands, not for them, but because they have not sought their own glory in these days, I shall glorify them, because their hearts are pure and full of my love. I speak this so that all may be warned ahead of time, repent now before it is too late to come into the fires of repentance, repent as you come into my fires, if you are hearts need to be cleansed, repent and come into the fire, so I may purify your hearts with the fires of the Holy Spirit.

New Beginnings
April 20, 2000

I am doing a new work among my apostles and prophets. I am making them into one voice, united and beginning the unity of the body which I had spoken of before in prior times, through various prophets. This is the beginning of the drawing together into one body, it begins with the apostles and prophets, speaking one voice, from Me, as one voice speaking.

He showed me that He was going to unite the prophetic words together, like a link fence across the lands, across his earth. They will begin to complement each other, and be as one voice, more and more we will begin to see this linking upwards into the one Head, who is Jesus Christ, the new body. Unity in the body, brought under the Head, Jesus Christ, that is what He has begun to do. He will begin to link up together the voices of the prophets and apostles, and this will begin to draw into itself, the rest of the five fold calling called to minister to the body of Christ. It will go out from the apostles, then the prophets and out from there.

The body that will begin to be joined as one body, new body, will have only one head, Jesus. There will be no religiosity in it, nor will there be anyone who has any other agenda, all will be under the agenda of Jesus, seeking his face always... and that is how it will be led by Him, who leads this body. Man will have no place in it. There will be no mistaking who is Head of this body, when others look on, they shall know who leads this united body.

He has begun to rip down all that is not of him, in the churches. He is making many barren wastelands, who have not known him, and heard his cries up to this time. His judgment is coming down on man's religion in the churches now. Many will find themselves, without a drop of water in them, and he says, he is going to make many dry deserts. The pastors who have been living in luxury and not feeding the ones in need will be stripped of their fancy cars, and fancy vane objects. He is going to take the money from the churches who have not fed the homeless and hungry, and looked down at them, and he is going to take that money to those who are poor congregations, but so rich in the spirit of the living God. Those who know his voice will be rewarded in these last days, with the money that the Lord is going to bring unto you.

Those who have followed after there own work of their own hands, especially the pastors who have forgotten the voice of the great shepherd along the way, and have forgotten who is to feed them. It will be unto them, the hardest wind, because they must be broken to dust, before they will see again. That is the words for the pastors who have forgotten who is the head of the church. They will have to suffer by the hand of the Lord for what they have not done, and what they have done. Nor more greed will be allowed. This is a new day and new time, and the Lord is shaking the tombs to make those to hear come forth. That is a word of the Lord to all who will listen.

It is a spiritual awakening for many, but will be a hard thing for others. Some will who have taken for granted their income from the congregation, will be in for some hard winds blowing on them. That is the south winds blowing He says. God is about to sweep through the churches, big time, and take out all that which is built on sand. That which is built only on the true foundation will be allowed to stand there. This is a time of great sweeping and cleaning in the houses of God. Prepare the way for what is coming. A new church, which will not be built on the precepts of man, but of God and the spirit, truth is it's name, and it knows only one voice, it is called, the voice of the head of this church, which is Christ. The sheep know his voice, and will follow Him, when He speaks. It is a new day, and a new beginning, the dawning of a new day, He says, it is a mighty day of reckoning for many, and a day of great rejoicing, for the church will be swept clean of all that is not of him during these coming days.

Mending Fences
April 20, 2000

I am doing a new work in you my child, I am restoring unto you all that which has been broken before, or stolen from you. I am mending your fences, let me do the work in you and the ones I bring to you. This is a word of love that will heal the broken hearts, and mend that which has been broken down and that which has been hurt and crushed before. This is a time of restoration in the spirit as I bring back to you that which has been stolen from you in your past, or taken away from you. I have begun to place in many of you, the past few days, a heart of love, a heart of forgiveness, a heart that I have placed in you to love others with. It is something you have never felt before, it is a love that wells up in you as I give you a heart for the poor, the hungry, the ones that are hurting in the streets, first I will begin to heal your heart. I am beginning to restore those relationships that had been hurt, and been broken from before. Let me do this excellent work in you. I have a purpose for all I do, and I have a purpose  for this which I am doing in your heart for the past few days. These are the days of restoration that you are beginning to enter into, for that which has been taken away from you will be restored once again, and it will be given to you more than what you had lost. You will have back much more, than you lost in this transformation that I am working on the earth. It is the mending of fences. It is love from above that is beginning to pour upon the earth. These are the days of glory, for my love will begin to do a work on the earth, and heal all that has been cursed with the healing balm, it is pouring out from heaven right now. Come and let me heal those heart, let me heal those things which have been hurting for so long in your hearts. I have removed those patches, I am going to do a great work in your heart, for I am the great heart surgeon, I am the great Healer of Hearts. Come into my presence, and let me heal your heart, my child, and let me give you my heart, so you may go to the streets and love the unlovable, and do the work you have been called to do.

The Winds of Change Are Blowing

South Wind
April 18, 2000

I have sent a south wind of my spirit over the lands, now they will blow in the winds of change over the land, what was old will become new, and what will not yield to my spirit, will become more hardened against me, and I will destroy it and bring it to naught in the end. It is a hard wind which is blowing over the land now, and it will bring in and usher the change which is of me. Do not curse it but welcome it with welcome arms, for it is sent from me. This south wind that is coming across the lands will blow over all where I send it to change that which has been against me in the spirit, come into this wind so I may change you my child, for I am doing a new work in this wind, it is a purifying wind, which will separate all that I want separated, and that I say is holy will be set together in one place, and that is not of me, that I have separated will be gone away from that which is holy for this is a holy work of mine, which I am doing now... Do not fight this wind for it is sent for a purpose, I am taking those out of the places where which they have dwelt those who still have an ear to ear I am drawing you out of those dead tombs of religious stone which have entombed you up to now.. Come, follow my spirit, I want to free you of the chains which have tried to bind you and hold you for so long in the deadly words of religious spirits which have consumed so many churches up to now.. Come forth, I am calling you out of the tombs, as I called out Lazarus who was dead, I call you out of the death tombs, come alive and come into the winds of my Holy Spirit.. I am breathing life into your bones for the first time, you shall feel my presence begin to touch you with the life giving spirit, which I have sent to you to touch you and to awaken you out of your sleep.