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I came to him broken and shattered
A heart made of a table of stone
Shattered and broken
Tired of Hiding 
Deep inside this prison
A heart of stone
Heart so in prison
Walls so high 
Protection from the enemy
Protection from the hurting pain 
I resurrected this heart of stone

Scars so deep
My only retreat from all that pain
Was this castle of stone
Walls so high 
No one could reach me
Yet I was the prisoner
No longer could I feel the pain all around me
My heart surrounded 
By this castle of stone
Walls of stone built as a fortress
From birth all the way till now
Each stone laid so precisely
Protection from the outside

But then I became as cold
As that castle made of stone
I cried out, Help Me!
No one could hear!
Oh, no, now I can't get out 
Prison of stone

Then one day, I cried one more time.
Jesus, help me, can you hear
Oh, please, Jesus, answer me.
Then I heard the sweetest sound
Jesus answered me, Here I am
You are found
Don't you worry
Come into my presence
Let my love cover you
Warm balm flowing over you
Love overflowing 
He came in a heart beat
When no one else heard me
He answered, Here I am, my precious love.
I cried out - Help Me, can't do this alone.
Screaming get me out of my prison
I hate being alone

With heart fully surrendered
I cried out to my Savior
Take away all my pain and my hurting
He touched me and suddenly.
My heart was made tender
Walls began to crumble
From that castle made of stone.
Soon his love, made me so whole.

Sometimes, I hurt cause I hurt him
Rejection and not caring
But He says it don't matter
Cause now, things are different
I love Him with worship
As I stand in his presence
I cry and I weep, broken before him.
He loved me- even before I loved Him
Not worthy - yet He by his grace I was saved
That day, He answered my cry.

Rivers of tears 
As stand in his presence
Unworthy to be there, a sinner-yet He covers me.

He knows your pain, your suffering, your heartaches too.
He cries out, Let me help you tonight.
No wall to high, no heart to cold. No pain to deep.
I know your pain- I felt your grief
Let me take you to a place tonight.
Where love covers the pains and like a balm of warm salve heals the wounds so deep within.

Gloria Shepherd - 1999

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, Gloria Shepherd, at: nitehawkdw@earthlink.net