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The Beginning of the End

The testimony of the children of the Lord for all the world to see.  Rachel & Cassie, in Littleton, Colorado, were among the first children in the United States to be a martyred for Jesus in our lifetime.  They stood on their faith and stepped forth and testified of their love, to the enemy who stood in front of them. They were not afraid to die for Jesus.  They truly believed the promise, which is given to us all - that if we give our lives, we gain life in the kingdom of God to come.  These children stand as a beacon of light in the darkness that is covering the world at this time.  They  were not afraid to die for Jesus, and it is a testimony to everyone who was watching. Their names are written in the book of life.

Will we deny the Lord when we are confronted, as Peter did in the courtyard that day before Jesus Christ was crucified? Or will we be like Stephen, who stood before the mob and spoke the truth as they stoned Him? Stephen glorified the name of the Lord.  This question is before us all today.  Peter, at least, had an excuse that day, for the Holy Spirit had not yet been given, and Peter was not yet filled with the promise from on high. That remained in the future.

Jesus Christ is standing besides us this day, and asking us that question.  Will you deny me, or will you stand for me when faced with losing your life? None of us want to die. But if you were there in that high school, what would you have said?  I asked myself that question over and over.  The devil wants to fill us with fear, setting the stage for all the world to see.  He wants us to fear for our life, if we say we believe in Jesus Christ. But what do we truly believe?  The word of God says. if you lose your life, you have gained your life in the kingdom of heaven. Will you deny him when you are asked?  Or will you truly stand forth as the children of the King of Kings and stand against the enemy?.  That is the question before each man every day; will we deny Him, or will we stand and say "yes, I believe, and I don’t care if you don’t like me for it, I love Him more than myself."

We are in the beginning of the end. We see the scriptures fulfilled before our eyes.  In real life, not just words saying it is the end.  People are hurting, dying for Him, all over the earth. It has finally reached us, our soil, our country, and it is not just a  short clip in the news.  See when we hear about it somewhere else, it does not impact us as it does when it is in our country. So many, this year alone, have died for Him, not denying Jesus, as Peter did that day, but dying for the one and only one who died for us.

Now it has finally reached our soil, our land, and now we are finally seeing what the scriptures are speaking about, here in the our country.  For the first time, it has hit home in the hearts of many Americans this week. How many Christians will have to die before we finally see the truth? This is only the beginning of the end of time.  It is the beginning of sorrows.

Before this, we have been spoiled, like children who do not know what is coming, and who do not want to know of anything bad happening.  We are spoiled children, the children in the churches here in the USA.  We do not want to know of anything bad that is happening around us.  We just want to live in this shell of Christianity, denying the Lord Jesus Christ his power here on earth.  So many deny him daily, while professing to know him.  Jesus is speaking to those of you who only profess His name, but do not know Him.

Jesus is crying out this day. Will you give all that you have to worship me?  Will you throw down your nets and come follow me with all your hearts?  Or, are you only professing with your lips a love for me, but will deny me with your hearts, when you are faced with dying or being thrown into prison, for believing in me?  The time is coming, and is not a long way off, when the question before us all, as Christians, will be just that.  Will you deny Him, or will you stand and not be afraid, when the enemy comes to your door and asks the same question?

When I read the testimony of the pastors, who are saying it is a disgrace to speak in his name, because we are offending people, I am sickened to death. I am angered by the words which they spoke against the memorial service for those murdered children.  These are not pastors, but they are among those who profess to know the Lord, but their hearts do not know him.  This is not a popularity contest.  If you truly love Jesus and are making a difference in the kingdom, people are going to hate you.  You will not be well liked.  We are not of this world, and the world will hate us.  If the world loves you, then you better take a good look at your life.

If you are loved by the world, you are not shaking up the enemy's forces.  Or, he would be after you, both guns blazing.  He hates us when we are standing in faith.  He knows that if you really believe the word of God, and trust Jesus, he is in big trouble.  So think about these things a little.   Would you rather please God, or the enemy?  That is it.  There are no shades of grey here.  You are either moving for God, or you are moving for the devil.

There is a shaking forth from the heavenlies this day.  The Lord is shaking, and waking up the church this day in a mighty way.  Are you listening to his call?

We need to be shaken, so badly that we wake up, before it is too late.  We profess to know Him, but are we willing to stand in the face of the enemy and speak forth as the Holy Spirit gives the words to speak?

Look at the testimony of Rachel and Cassie.  "Out of mouths of babes". We are seeing this scripture fulfilled here in our land for the first time.  What a testimony to Him!

This is only the beginning of the end.  This is what the scriptures have told us.  But somehow it was afar off.
Now suddenly it is here. This is the last call for the church.that has been sleeping.  He is calling forth those that will hear, and listen to Him.  "Come forth from your sleep, oh Church!" is the call.  Wake up and run to him in repentance, is the cry of the prophets from all over the land.  Wake up, before it is too late.   Go and repent, and come to Him. Cry out with your heart on the altar of fire of the Holy Spirit, and ask him to cleanse you of your lukewarmness.  Ask him to set a fire in you, that will not be extinguished before he returns.  He cries out from Heaven this day, "Do you love me?  Will you stand for me this day, or will you deny me?"

Thus saith the Lord:

Wake up and stand as I have called you forth to stand, in power and in might,  Lacodian church.  Come forth and repent.  This the last call, before I walk away from you, says the Lord. Run to me, as a child who has been lost runs to their father. Do not run away and cower in the corner, as a church who does not know me. Repent, and come forth out of the Sodom and Gomorrah.  Run to me now, before I set fire to that place where you are.  I am calling you out this day, for you are the ones who have worshipped with your mouth, but not with your heart.  I desire you to be a people with a heart given fully to me, no idols before you will I stand for.  Let the fire of my Spirit cleanse the sins that are within you from the world.  Let it be a testimony to all that watch from afar. They will see you change. They will marvel in the light that will come forth from your hearts and face, for they will know that you are not of this world anymore, but have given your heart as a testimony to me.

Much Love in Him,
Gloria Shepherd
May 1, 1999

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