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Holy Priesthood

January 25, 2000

I desire a people who will worship me in spirit and in truth? A Holy Priesthood who knows my name, for my name is Holy...

Do you know what is required of you to enter into this place of worship and praise and rest? It requires a heart that is pure, holy and undefiled. Full of my love, a heart that has been cleansed of all that is of the earth, which pollutes it. You cannot come with a heart full of sin. You must be willing to be washed before you enter in, repenting of your sins, and asking me to cleanse you of all that defiles the temple within you. The world calls to you like a seducing woman, and I cry out to you, "Holy is My Name. Come and worship me in the Holy Place."

It requires a total surrender of self to enter into the most Holy Place. A throwing down of the idols of your heart which stand in the way of worship. Throw down all that stands between me and you for they are the idols of your hearts, the strongholds which hold you like a prisoner to this world, those are the idols of your heart. Anything that holds you captive in this world is an idol; it binds you and chains you to this earth.

This walk of Holiness and Purity is what I have called you to- do not let the enemy defile you, and hold you as a slave to the things which he lures you with..

I am calling forth the Holy Priesthood, those who have ears to hear, let them hear what the spirit is saying this day.

My priests must be holy before me, not stained with the sins of this world.. I demand a pure and holy priesthood to worship me within the Holy of Holies.. Those who will serve me wholeheartedly are those who will give all of themselves to me.. so I may take that which is not of me, and remove it from your hearts. Come through the fires so I may make you pure and holy.

Nothing unpure can enter into the most Holy of Holies.. Let my fires cleanse you and burn out the impurities which have set themselves up in you.... let no man taint you, nor lead you away from your calling.. I am saying this to those who I have been set aside for this special place, and for this time.. So many give up so easily, so many do not want to throw down the idols of their hearts. They desire to dwell in sin, rather than with me.

To enter into the Most Holy Place requires a total surrender of self, out of love, a gift of love, a gift of yourselves to me, a sacrifice of love to give yourself over to me. So you can enter into this most Holy Place.....where no sin dwells, which is filled with my holiness and light, and which cannot be contaminated. You must want to be cleansed, to be washed and made clean.. To give yourself over to me first, then I can wash you and make you clean. It is the desire to be in my presence, every moment of the day, wanting nothing more, than to worship me, and be with me, not just on Sunday, or an hour a day, but every moment of every day is what brings you into this place of special worship.

It is a throwing down of all the idols that defile the temple within your heart, which I require. Those idols which have taken the place of me in your hearts---that stand between you and me. Throw them down, for I will not have them between you and me.. You cannot worship me in the Holy Place without being made pure.. If you feel you have been out of my presence, ask me to show you, what idols are in the way. Sin is the only thing which prevents you from entering in so repent, my children, for you are the Holy Ones.

You are a Holy Priesthood and many of you have been whoring after other gods, I will not stand for your whoredom.. I want to cleanse you, but first throw down those idols which defile my most Holy Temple, they have polluted my temple..I will not have my temple polluted with the idols of this world. Tear them down now I say, and come to me with a repenting heart. Surrender yourselves with a heart of love to me, I shall cleanse you and make your worthy to enter into this place. My holy fire shall purify you as you throw yourself down on the altar for me... Then you shall be able to enter in.

You are my priests, my Holy Ones, and many of you have allowed the enemy to defile you with his seductions. I desire a priesthood who is uncontaminated by this world.. come my Holy Priesthood, come and ask me to cleanse you of all that has defiled you to this day. Let me make you white like snow, and give you the robes to worship in my holy temple.

For nothing unpure, nothing from this earth, shall be allowed into that most holy place.. It is a place of purity and not to be defiled by the fifth of this world, you must first be cleansed, then I shall give you new robes, the most holy of priest robes, white and not of this earth, for they are only for this place of pure worship that I call you to..Come and worship me there, Take the robes which I have for you, and come into this place of worship my Holy priests.

How many of you will heed my voice this day? Repent, and I shall wash your hearts clean, so you may enter into this place. Come in the gates of thanksgiving and praise me, sing the song which I have placed on your lips to sing, worship me and give me praise forever more. The garment of praise shall be your covering, and you shall worship me with songs of worship and praise as you come and dwell in the inner most place, the Holy of Holies, where I am.

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