November 2000
I saw a church today that was filled with the toxic fumes of exhaust from
running their motors in the church. I said to the Lord, "What is
that, Lord? The Lord said to me, the vehicles that are running in my
church, are the people's different ministries in my church. There
vehicles are running with the motors on. The toxic fumes that you see
are being created by them. It is the toxic exhaust of their vehicles that you
are seeing that is created, propelled by their own self agendas and motives in
ministry, not mine. They are filling my church with their own
toxic exhaust fumes. Instead of my glory cloud filling my church, many are
filling up my church with their own self agendas, and motives for ministry in
this hour.
I have warned them continually, yet many still seek their own glory, and
power in my church. They fill my house with their own works, and then
call it mine. Pride is their fuel of choice to run their vehicles, and
it creating a toxic church.
I say to those whose actions are still running on their own fleshly
endeavors--"Repent, and lay down all that is not of me in this hour.
Repent and come before me with a humble heart, so I may wash you clean of all
that is not of me in your heart. I desire to teach you the ways in
which I want you to go in this hour. It is all new...nothing from the
past will do, no old agendas, no self agendas, all is new in me, now.
Many are still seeking man's approval instead of my approval, and you need to
repent. Many of you seek to exhault yourselves over my spirit, and over
your brethren also, as if you were better than your brother...You need to
repent of your prideful ways, my children. For there is only one head,
and I am the head of my body.. and many of my children have forgotten who is
the head over all of this. I ask you this day, to ask me, to reveal to you
what is hidden in your life, so you can see, that which is not holy in you, so
you can repent and be made clean.
I am removing all that is not of me in my body and in my church in this hour..
For nothing that is of the flesh will be able to stand in the 3rd day church.
How can you enter into the third day church, if you will not let go of the 2nd
day works of the flesh. It cannot be done.. For I will not allow the old
wineskins to be filled with the new wine from heaven, that I am bringing for
this hour.
This is a new hour, a new day, and I removing all that is not of me in my
church. I am tearing down all that is not of me, and I am rebuilding my
church, in this third day glory, where no flesh will be able to stand.
It is in the laying down of all that is self and the surrendering of all of
will, that the foundation is being laid. My 3rd day church is being
built not by the hands of man, but by my spirit, says the Lord. No flesh
will glory in it, or will be able to stand in it. For all is new
in this hour, and only those who are willing to surrender their wills on the
altar will be able come into this new time in my spirit, says the Lord.
America, Out of My Bowels You Were Birthed
Today, the Father gave me these words about America.
America, America, my beloved, how I weep for you this day. I birthed you out of the bowels of my love, I made you to stand amongst nations in your youth. I weep for you my precious America, repent and pray that I will unite you once again.
America, My Beloved Will You Return to Me Again? My heart cries out for my nation, America. I birthed you out of freedom, from my bowels you were born. I gave you the heart of your nation, and the light of my spirit shown out from the land unto the world. Out of the light of spirit you were birthed and made into a nation I had purposed for you to be.
Out of the freedom of my spirit your heartbeat beat to the beat of my heart, for you come out of my heart, and out of the very being of my heart, you were birthed.
America, my child, you have forgotten in that which you were birthed. I clothed you with my glory, and it was a beacon unto the nations afar off. I birthed you out of the depths of my spirit, my light dressed your countenance, and my words filled your lips and hearts. I gave your land prosperity, and my bounty flowed like land of milk and honey from your shores. I gave you breathtaking beauty as you were the pride of my heart, the beauty of my love for you.
I birthed seeds of freedom and hope into those who I brought to your shores. I gave them vision to see my will and purposes in establishing this very foundation of government that was birthed out of my heart.
A nation under God, whose very government was based on my words given to those I chose to write the words of the Constitution. In God We Trust was the national words that reigned supreme. I purposed this nation for my will to be done in this day and time. I set the light afire across this great land of my words. I blazed the light of my consuming fire in the hearts of men, first to come here, then to lay the foundation that I purposed, then to set the blaze across the land.
America you were birthed out of my light and out of my foundations, says the Lord. For my will to be done upon this earth, for my purpose to be done. America, I birthed you, I shaped you, and now I cry unto you, as a Father cries unto a rebellious child to return to their Father after they have run away. I cry unto you, my child, to return home to your Father's house, who made you and has loved you, even as you have run wanton in the streets, I cry for you, and call you back.
I made you great among nations. I took you from when you were just weaned from my breast, and made you great amongst the nations. America I birthed you of my freedom and with the fire of my spirit in your heart I made you who you are today. I took you as a child, young and immature, and brought you before the great nations of the earth, to speak my truths. To stand for me as beacon of my truth and light. I took that which was least and made it great before the nations of the world.
America, have you forgotten the birthright of your Father? I brought you before the great kingdoms of the world, and you were yet such a child. Yet I gave you the words to speak, and made you great amongst the nations of the world.
America. Repent, and cry unto to me, for mercy. So I will heal your land once again.
Remember, America, from which you were born. I planted the seeds of righteousness in your very midst, and I nurtured them, and they grew. I made your hearts to be tender before me, to repent and to pray before your Father who bore you. I nurtured you and succored you when you were still upon the breast. I gave you milk, until you were strong enough to be weaned. Then I weaned you and made you to stand strong in your youth, and brought you before the nations for my names sake. I gave you the words of wisdom to speak as one who was old, with great wisdom did you speak before the nations of the world. I brought you before kings and princes, to speak forth my words before them.
Weep with me, my children, for you have gone far from me my child. You have forgotten the roots of your heritage, and your children no longer know the Father of your Fathers, and they have become, like the rebellious children of a nation setting their hearts to do evil in the land. Setting to destroy a work of mine before you. Set your hearts before me, teach your children to lay their hearts before me, and to know the Father's father, who gave them this great land.
America, I cry for you my child, repent and turn back to me, this day. Remember the Father who bore you, and who birthed you out of my love and freedom. Return unto the roots of your heritage that made you great among nations. America, repent, and fall upon your face before me, come into my gates with thanksgiving and fall upon your faces, this day in prayer.
Remember the wisdom of your heritage, and let no man change that which was ordained in me, and set according to my word. I made you be strong amongst the nations. I gave you the wisdom to speak before the nations and kingdoms of the world.
Come back, America, pray, and repent. Lay aside all that is wicked in your hands, and throw up your hands before me in your wicked ways, for you have forgotten the one who raised you before the nations of the world when you were young. Let not your pride your hearts this day, for I am the very fibers of this nation, not your parties, nor your candidates which you have chosen. Look around you America, for I am doing this very thing amongst you. You will not see unity, until you come before me as a united nation, as one nation under me, your God.. Let your hearts fall down before me, America, for I am your very heart and fiber.
I am the light of your land and without me, you will not be able to stand. So repent, pray, and pray more, for unity to come again to your land. Stand as the nation from which you were birthed, America. United you will stand, divided you will fall, America, my child.
Tears from Heaven
My children, you are allowing the walls of division to be driven between you.
Instead of unity my little ones, the walls between you are being made stronger
and taller by the darkness that you have still allowed to dwell in your heart.
My tears cry out for you my children, for I am God of love, not hate. I
cry out for your hearts to be knit in unity with my love, and you allow the
enemy's devices to come against you even greater driving the wedges of
division even deeper between you and your brother. I
made one body, one church, not multiple divisions with multiple compartments.
I abhor the religious atrocities you have allowed to divide you. You
have taken that which I have given to you and turned it to your own words.
You think you speak about unity, yet in every word you carry division and
hatred against your brothers around the world because they do not agree with
your doctrines and your way of following me.
Have you no compassion, no love in your hearts? If I came to you in the
form of one of those that of your kind, you would turn away from me and say I
was of the darkness. You see darkness with your eyes, because your hearts are
still filled with darkness. I sent you the light and you rebuke it and say it
is evil. I sent you my spirit, and you castrate it out of your church, and
call it evil. I have sent you light and you have mocked my spirit in
them. I have sent you my precious ones, and you have hurt them with your words
and rebuked me in them. I say to you, if you turn those I sent to you
away and mock them, I will also turn my hearts from you, for you mock me when
you mock those I sent with the purity of my spirit in them.
You say you know my spirit, but you hurt Him, when He comes to you. Do
you know that hatred is what I am speaking of? When you hate your brother who
has my light in Him, you hate me too, because I live in that brother, and you
hate me also.
My children, I say this to you, because you turn away your brother when he is
of a different denomination and say that he is not of the family of God. I say
to you, denominations are divisions and they are not of me. I say to you
that you are breaking my heart with how you treat your brother who is mine,
because he is of a different denomination, and does not believe as you do. For
I called for unity of my spirit, not division within my body, so why do you
still shun and turn away from your brother because he is different than you?
I weep for my children on earth, for so many of them still do not understand
the most simple commandment called love. It is love from my Holy Spirit
that I speak of is not the love of the earth, but the love from my spirit.
Love is what heals the broken hearted, the hurting ones. There are so many
hurting hearts, that need to be loved. I beseech you my children to walk
in my love each day to all you meet, so that the world will know that you are
from me.
November 16, 2000
Ps. 104:4 (Amplified Version)
Who makes the wind his messengers, his flames of fire his ministers.
Hebrew 1:7 Referring to the angels, He says, Who makes his
angels winds, and his ministering servants flames of fire.
I am calling forth my pillars of fire to begin to minister in this hour. For I
am giving many of you flaming swords of fire to speak forth my words of fire
in this hour.
As you speak forth my firey words, I will confirm your words -- with signs and
wonders and great demonstrations of my power in the earth. For this is
the hour, to which I have called you to be. You have not desired your
own self agendas, as others, and you have not sought the praises of men for
your own glory. You have glorified only me, and not sought your own
glory and power in the work that I have set before to do. For you my children,
have been found faithful in me, and have not allowed self agendas to rule your
work in me.
In many of you, I am bringing forth a ministry of fire. As you go forth in
this hour, you will be as my consuming fire unto the those you speak to. For I
shall be the consuming fire in your heart and mouth as you speak in this hour.
For I shall use you as the mighty swords of my consuming fire, in this hour.
For I will give you the words of my spirit, that will be as a sword that will
be wielded in the spirit, as a mighty sword, that will divide the flesh from
the spirit as they are spoken forth.
No man will be able to stand against the words that I will bring forth out of
your mouth because they will be my words, says the Lord, and I will speak them
with the might power of heaven in this hour.
Every word that will be spoken forth in faith will breathe both life and death
in it's word, healing and restoration, as well destruction will come forth out
of this sword of fire from my servants in this hour.
For I am calling forth many now in the spirit of Elijah, to go into the places
where I send you, to speak forth my words of life to the dead dry bones.
You will breathe life into the bones of those who I send you to in this hour,
for you will be mighty pillars of fire in this hour, and in this day, says the
I say to you this night, that many of you, have forgotten your first love. You
have allowed the world to distract you, to take your hearts and your worship
away from me. I long to be with you in the heart of worship, and to draw
into that place where we are one. I want to fill your places with the
perfume of my presence as you come into this place again.
I cry unto you, my beloved children, for I want you to come to me, I long to
be with you, and have your heart fully given over to me in worship and prayer.
You allowed the "things" of this world to draw you away from my
presence, and I am calling to you once again to come into the place we once
shared together. I am wooing you back to the place of worship with me.
Some of you have felt that you have strayed to far from me, and cannot come
into the place we once shared. You feel you are not clean and worthy of
the place we once had together. I say to each one of you who have felt
like you have strayed too far, I will wash away all the the dirt that
you has clung to you in your time away, and I will make you clean and pure,
and give you a new heart if you will come and ask me to cleanse you. It
doesn't matter how far away you have strayed from me, how deep in the mud pit
of life you have allowed yourself to go, I still love you. I love you
with all my heart, and I want you to come to me, and ask me to cleanse your
heart, so you can enter into my presence once more.
With others of you, you have allowed the distractions of life and family to
draw you away from my heart. TV, radio, and all the things that have
slowly taken over our time together. Soon, your heart became cold and
you became distant from me. Before you knew it - your heart had
grown so cold, and it became harder and harder to try to get back to that
place we used to be. I say to you this night, to press in, and ask me to
bring you to the place we once shared. Repent before me of all that you have
allowed to stand in my place up to this time, and I will bring you into the
place we once shared.
I love you and want you to come back to me. To remember your first love once
again. I miss the time we used to spend together. Come into me
this night, and let me bring you into my presence once again.
I am such a jealous God. I just don't want you a few days a week, but I
want you every day of the week. I desire your heart fully surrendered to
me every day of every week, all the year round.
So many of my children, have allowed their jobs, their marriages, their
family, their boyfriends, their time with their friends to draw a wedge
between me and you. So many of you have allowed idols to be resurrected
between me and you, and have allowed them to have pre-eminence over our time
together. I call them idols because you have allowed them to be more
desired than me.
But I say to you to day, if you will come to me with a repenting heart, and
ask me to cleanse you then I will wash you of all the filth of Babylon,
and you shall be made clean once again.
Run to me, my beloved, for I long to hear your songs of worship and praise
again, and have our hearts knit together again, as it once was.
Take Hold of the Keys to the Kingdom
I have given unto you the keys to the kingdom. Yet, many of you still
have not understood the significance of that word. You still have not
taken on the power and the authority that you have to walk in this hour to
defeat the enemy.
To those who have walked in powerlessness on earth, I speak unto you with the
power and authority of heaven. I want you to grab hold of those things
which I have given you authority over in my kingdom, and I want you to
begin to command the darkness to leave those gray areas in your life, where
there has been doubt and fear. Speak life into those places that have
held you in captivity this day, and begin to speak forth my words of life into
those dead dry areas in your life.
Speak with the authority of the King of Kings into those places which have
been your weak points up until this day. Where there have been chains
that have bound you and kept you in the place of submission unto the enemies
Speak it forth with all the boldness of heaven, out loud until it has sunk
deep into your hearts and it becomes truth down deep in your heart. Say,
speak it forth, until you believe it.
For the enemy has used those those areas to defeat you up until this day, and
I say to you, if you will begin to do as I have commanded you this day, you
will see victory take the place of defeat in your hearts and lives.
Begin to speak forth the truth with all the authority and power of my
kingdom, for I have given you the keys to walk in all the authority and power
that is mine in the kingdom.
You are an heir and you hold all the power to defeat the enemy if you will
walk in the authority which I have given unto you.
Stop walking according to what you see and hear in your flesh and begin to
walk as the spirit leads you into all truth. The veils of his illusions
have distorted your vision and clogged up your ears up to now. He
is the master deceiver, and the master illusionist, and he has used his
illusions to mask your vision from seeing the reality my truth.
Take the authority which I have given to you and begin to walk in it this day.
The enemy will flee from you as you speak forth with the power and authority
of the kingdom over your life and over the gray areas of your life will become
areas of light and victory over the darkness of the kingdom as you take the
authority that is yours.
The enemy wants you not to think that his illusions of truth are the
real truth, but in reality they are only pseudo truths he uses to defeat you
in this hour.
I say to each of my children, take hold of my words and bury them in your
heart for they are words of power and authority for your life in this hour.
Over into the 3rd Day Glory
November 3, 2000
"I am bringing many of you to the place right now, where I will begin a
work in you that many of you will not like, but it is because I love you
that I bring you to this place, now.
Some of you, will not understand what I am doing in your lives now, and your
flesh will scream out for mercy, but I am doing that which I want done in you
this day. For I am removing all that is not of Me in this hour,
and I am doing this work in you, says the Lord. Be at peace, and know
that it is a work of My hands in you.
I am bringing you to that place where you will come to the place of total
death before Me. It is at that place, where if you will surrender all of
your flesh to me, you will cross over over the River Jordan, from death unto
life into the promised land of My glory. Then I shall bring you to the
fullness of that 3rd day glory, that I have for you to walk in these days.