January 8, 2000:
This is a word to the Warriors: I am now stirring up the gifts of
faith, and water walking in those that would believe to receive
that which I have for you.. that you walk forth and speak as I
have given you words to speak to the people, and the dead shall
rise up to praise my name, and the ones without limbs, the limbs
shall be restored as before, and the bodies made whole where
there was no wholeness before, and as you walk forth in mighty
power from this day forward, the devils shall tremble and shutter
as they see you coming, for you will be mighty warriors for me,
giants in this world, as Elijahs you shall walk forth, and speak
and the devils shall obey and run from you. Believe the words
that I am speaking to you, I am calling you forth right now to
take that which has been just given to you in the spirit.. This
is a call from the mountain of zion from the spirit of the Lord,
to all those who have ears to hear, let them receive that which I
have just given to them. Thus saith the Lord of Hosts.. The fire
from the mountain is upon all those who believe my words this
night, and from this day forward, you shall go forth in a mighty
annointing power, joined as one army speaking as I give you words
to speak, and command to all the powers that be to obey to the
name of Jesus, all names shall bow, all powers shall bow, alll
things, in heaven and earth and between shall bow to the name
above all names, Jesus. He is King of Kings. Let the earth bow
down before him this day and know that the warriors are now been
given there marching orders, they have mounted upon the spiritual
horses, I have given them, and they shall go forth in power as I
have called it forth this day. Let all tremble under his power.
Let them know the fires are now set forth, in mighty roar the
fires have gone forth this night.
, Gloria Shepherd, at: nitehawkdw@earthlink.net