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Archaeological Evidence Compared to Biblical Account

Archeological Site Biblical Account Archeological Evidence Argreement?
Jericho (Tell-es Sultan) Major fortified city taken and burned. At Middle Bronze Age, evidence of major city destroyed by earthquake and fire. YES
Ai  (et-Tell) Major fortified city burned and made permant ruin No evidence of occupation on this site during Middle Bronze Age period. *** NO
Bethel (Beitin) Captured and people slaughtered Evidence of destruction in Middle Bronze Age and then scanty reoccupation YES
Hazor (Tell-el Qedah) A Royal city burned but reoccupied by enemy Evidence of destruction by fire in Middle Bronze Age and then reoccupation YES
Debir (Tell Beit Mirsim) A Royal city captured and inhabitants slaughtered Stratum D-- the Middle Bronze Age City, completely destroyed and left desolate for long time YES
Lachish (Tell ed-Duweir) Capture and slaughter Last of Middle Bronze Age level-- signs of a violent destruction YES
Hebron An Anakim city captured and slaughtered A prosperous town until Late Bronze Age where occupation ceased for whole Late Bronze Age YES
Hormah (Tel Masos or 
     Khirbet el Meshash)
Captured and renamed Fortified with ramparts at end of Middle Bronze Age then occupation ceased throughtout Late Bronze Age YES
Dan (Tell Dan) Captured and slaughtered, then rebuilt for Danite occupation Middle Bronze Age city destroyed by massive conflagration, then some sort of reoccupation YES
Gibeon City saved but enslaved people Extensive occupation in Middle Bronze Age but without walls YES
Arad (Tel Malhata) Arad King defeated shortly before invasion A strong city destroyed by fire near the end of Middle Bronze Age, but earlier than the other sites YES
*** --  There is some discussion as to the actual location of Ai and consequently Bethel since      Ai  was discribed as being "east of Bethel". (return to graph)

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