The Oldest Skull Yet Found Causes Controversy
The oldest skull of possible human history has been found in the deep reaches of the Sahara Desert in Africa. Termed Toumai (offically Sahelanthropus tchadensis), it has caused a disturbance in the anthropolgical community. Aged at around 6 - 7 million years old, it predates all other finds. The problem with the skull is that it has several traits of the much later hominid line such as small canines, upright walking, and thicker enamals. Those traits are not seen again in the fossil record for several more millions of years. Therefore, where exactly to place this find in the human tree is unknown and it also calls to question the previous notions from which we came.
The Original Language?
As reported in News April 21, 2000:
are now theorizing that the remnants of Human's first words can be found
by listening to babies learning to talk. They found that they make several
sounds universally reguardless of race or ethnicity, such as "baba"
"gaga" and "tata". These sound combinations are also present in every major
language in the modern world.
The researchers theorize that since these sounds are so universal to all
languages and so natural to someone learning to speak, that they must have
been the root for a common language for all humanity. Previous theory holds
that a sudden genetic mutation gave almost instant rise to speech, but
now it appears that speech was a simple case of humans tinkering around
with the natural sounds of the mouth..
Peter MacNeilage of the University of Texas at Austin says, "These
findings show you don’t need a genetic change for language to develop."
If you do not need a genetic change, then you do not need evolution right?
Therefore, science is now telling us that there was at one time, one Human
lannguage before splintering off. Is this not what the Bible says happened
after Noah's Flood? Then for humanity's arrogance and disobedience, he
split the one language up and sent the people across the world.
A Fossilized
Dinosaur Heart
It is common practice for scientists to discard the rock surrounding dinosaur
bones since it generally makes things too heavy and bulky for transport.
However, scientists noticed a red circle in the rock surrounding a dinosaur
find and decided to check it out. After a CAT scan, it was found that it
was a perfect little dinosaur heart. There is a problem however with this
discovery. The heart most closely resembles the heart of warm-blooded mammals
and not the cold-blooded reptiles that dinosaurs have been classified as.
This would make at least some of the dinosaurs warm-blooded reptiles.
This was totally unexpected and shows that there is still a lot of learning
to be done about the dinosaurs.
Public Opinion
It is intresting to note that on March 11, 2000, a public opinion poll of 1500 people, done by the People for the American Way Foundation reported in The Tennessean newspaper, found that 83% support the teaching of Evolution in schools. However, also 79% support the teaching of Creationism as well, with 68% believing the two theories to be compatable.
Unexplained Tools
The Archaeology Magazine of March/April 1997 reported that in the Afar region of Ethipoia in Africa, over 2500 stone flakes and stone cores have been dated to between 2.52 and 2.60 million years ago. This places the tool flakes over 150,000 years older than any known homo species. Since what defines the homo species is tool making, the question of who made these is still up in the air.
Early Exit from Africa Discovered News reported on May
11, 2000 that the earliest species of apemen have been found outside of
Africa, long considered the origin of humanity. In the Republic of Georgia
along the southern Russian border, the remains of early apemen were found
dated to around 1.7 million years ago. These skulls closely resemble contemporary
skulls of those found in Africa. Also with the skulls were an assortment
of tools similar to those found in Africa at the same time.
Some scientists consider these fossils to belong to that of Homo Ergaster,
a possible ancestor of Homo Erectus - the ones long considered to be the
first out of Africa. Other scientists simply consider this to be a local
variation on the Homo Erectus species.
There is a question surrounding this find. That is, why are these fossils
found so far out of Africa so soon after developing? This find gives them
a long distance to migrate in a relatively short amount of time.
A Possible Transitional Species from Water to Land
from the Associated
Press May 1, 2000 :
A 375 million years old fossilized jawbone found in Estonia on the Baltic
Sea, could show a transition from fish to land animal. The most developed
fish found is around 385 million years old while the oldest definite land
animal is 365 million years old. This leaves a gap of 20 million years
between fish and land animals. Despite such a long period of time in conditions
ripe for fossilization, no fossils of transitional species from this period
of time have been found.
That is where this fossil, named Livonia
multidentata, comes to play. Jawbones
have distinctive features which allow scientists to compare them to modern
species to decide what the million some odd year animal looked like. Scientists
think that this jawbone belonged to a crocodile looking animal with gills
and a swishing tail.
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