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God and Science 

"Science without religion is blind, and religion without science is lame."
-- Albert Einstein

Janurary 18, 2006

A new section in the works. More to come.

Feburary 5, 2005

Added information to the Flood Page concerning the dating of the Gilgamesh Deluge.

December 18, 2004

New News! One of the top supporters of aethism throughout the past 50 years has reversed his position. He now believes that there must be some sort of intelligent design to the universe. Read more about it here from More to come later.

May 15, 2004

Sorry for the delay, but here is a new page in development with information relating to Noah's Flood and the Ark.

August 28,2002
A new age of the Earth and Moon as reported on Space News page.

August 27, 2002
A link to Discovery News about intresting new tests being done on the Shroud of Turin, reguarded by Christians to be the burial shroud of Jesus.

August 12, 2002
A New Skull Find causes controversy by shaking the Family Tree

November 20, 2001
New Research into the Hyksos of Egypt.
A New Timeline?

August 8, 2001
Fresh News Updates including:

More Evidence against Human/Neanderthal relations
A New Found Skull Challenging the Human Family Tree
New DNA Tests Challenging the "Out of Africa" Theory
News from Space on Strange Forces

These pages are still in the earliest stages and more facts and topics will arise as I go along. Please come back often and be sure to use your "Reload" button to see updated pages.

In these pages, I will explore these commonly held science concepts and theories. It is my belief that God and Science can be reunited whereas now, most people believe them to be incompatable with one another.

I will also state first off that I am not a scientist or have any degrees in any related fields to the ones I will explore. I am just a common person looking at inforamtion that any other person can look at. I just look at these sources for you and bring the information to this one place since most people don't have the time or energy to do so.

I will pull my information from science's own journals, magazines, textbooks, and newpapers; and not from what non-believers and other scientists deem as "tainted" sources such as "traditionally Christian" periodicals and texts. However I will pull information from Christian sided texts if they are presented in a scientific manner.

I will also toss in some topics that are not really foundational theories of science but are just intresting archaeology or science.

Do you know what you would like to find? How about a quick search of my site?

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My personal study of the Biblical story of the Exodus and the archaelogical evidence surrounding it. Included with it is a look into the Conquest of Canaan and the evidence of that era.

How about a look at the Big Bang and Astronomy issues in general.

Or take a look at Evolution and other geological and archaeological topics.

Finally the start of The Flood Pages, exploring evidence pro and con of the Biblical Noah's Flood.

Now it's time to voice your opinion. Fill in the form below to let your ideas be known to the world. The responses will look a little jumbled until I go back through and put the proper spacers into the page. You will have my word that I will not censor the responses of their content unless they contain vulgarity, sexual messeges, or other non-appropiate comments.
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Or you can just see what others have written on the Comments Page.

Please also check out my other personal homepage after you visit here.

Last updated Janurary 18, 2006.
All backgrounds and graphics (except the neat pictures) are done by me.