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Quotes From the Experts

The time has come where evolution cannot stand yet it is still taught in our schools and on our tv's as being fact. Below will be listed the major flaws of evolution and why it is not a viable theory.                                                 

In his comments on a new mechanism for evolution postulated by Edward Wiley and Daniel Brooks, Roger Lewin (Science 217:1239-1240, 1982) says

     "Natural selection, a central feature of neo-Darwinism, is allowed for in Brooks and Wiley's theory, but only as a minor influence. 'It can affect survivorship' says Brooks.
     'It can weed out some of the complexity and so slow down the information decay that results in speciation. It may have a stabilizing effect, but it does not promote speciation. It is not a creative force as many people have suggested."'

As the quote above sates. evolution has come to mean that an animal or plant changes within itself, known as miro-evolution, but does not change into a completely different being, known as macro-evolution. A particular moth, the pepper moth, in England was observed to become darker as the number of soot producing manufacturing plants increased. The moth underwent micro-evolution. However, the moth did not evolve into a whole new creature, it just adapted itself to its environment.

One of the major flaws in evolution is the lack of transition fossils. The species of higher life seem to pop up out of no where, stay the same for the length of its existence, (sometimes for millions of years) and then drop out of existence where a new upstart takes hold.  The founder of the theory of evolution even had this question:

"As by this theory, innumerable transitional forms must have existed. Why do we not find them embedded in the crust of the earth? Why is not all nature in confusion [of halfway species] instead of being, as we see them, well-defined species?" *Charles Darwin, quoted in H. Enoch, Evolution or Creation (1966), p. 139.

In the realm of human evolution, the beings which are called our ancestors have no evidence that they are evolutionarily linked to us or even to each other. Oftentimes two or three of them lived simultainiously without an evolutionary link between them.

"I personally hold the evolutionary position, but yet lament the fact that the majority of our . Ph.D. graduates are frightfully ignorant of many of the serious problems of the evolution theory. These problems will not be solved unless we bring them to the attention of students. Most students assume evolution is proved, the missing link is found, and all we have left is a few rough edges to smooth out. Actually, quite the contrary is true; and many recent discoveries . . have forced us to re-evaluate our basic assumptions." Director of a large graduate program in biology, quoted in Creation: The Cutting Edge (1982), p. 26

I believe that this quote says it best, "The irony is devastating. The main purpose of Darwinism was to drive every last trace of an incredible God from biology. But the theory replaces God with an even more incredible deity...omnipotent chance." *T. Rosazak, Unfinished Animal (1975), pp. 101-102.  People hold to evolution as well as or even better than they hold to any religion at all, yet with only 1/2 of the facts supporting it.

Often I hear of the Theory of Evolution spoken metaphorically as a tree. We can see all of its leaves and twigs, but the only way for us to see the branches and trunk is through imagination and conjecture.

The quote below is from an atheist and former evolution follower and I think it gives an interesting look at his mindset and some of those who still hold his prior position.....

"I had motives for not wanting the world to have meaning, consequently assumed it had none, and was able without any difficulty to find satisfying reasons for this assumption .... The philosopher who finds no meaning in the world is not concerned exclusively with a problem in pure metaphysics; he is also concerned to prove there is no valid reason why he personally should not do as he wants to do . . For myself, as no doubt for most of my contemporaries, the philosophy of meaninglessness was essentially an instrument of liberation. The liberation we desired was simultaneously liberation from a certain political and economic system and liberation from a certain system of morality. We objected to the morality because it interfered with our sexual freedom." *Aldous Huxley, "Confessions of a Professed Atheist," Report: Perspective on the News, Vol. 3, June 1966, p. 19 [grandson of evolutionist Thomas Huxley, Darwin's closest friend and promoter, and brother of evolutionist Julian Huxley. Aldous Huxley was one of the most influential liberal writers of the 20th century].

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