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The Big Bang According to Mr. Hawking

The world's foremost Astrophysicist and author, Stephen Hawking in his recent book A Brief History of Time: Updated and Expanded, points out several errors in the widely accepted and taught theory of the Big Bang.

Here are the reasons as he listed them in the hardcover book on pages 155-156.
    Errors with the Big Bang Theory:
Mr. Hawking goes on to point out on page 156 that "Yet in the model described above [the Big Bang], there would not have been enough time since the the big bang for light to get from one distant region to another, even though the regions were close together in the early universe. According to the theory of relativity, if light cannot get from one region to another, no other information can. So there would be no way in which different regions in the universe could have come to have had the same temperature as each other, unless for some unexplained reason, they happened to start out with the same tempersture."

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