And now for something completely different...
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A tribute to Monty Python

clap clap clap


Hrm. Well, that was brief. Moving on!

I promised you a script, so here it is! The official, unofficial, only slightly edited from its original version that was hijaked by me so that I could bring it you script of Monty Python and the Holy Grail in three parts. This took a whole hell of a lot of memory, so enjoy!


Pythonline The official web site of Monty Python, complete with games, chat rooms, the Spam club, stuff to buy and other generally obnoxious things.

Not so-official web site but, despite the fact that it's not so official, it is a terrific site, with info on all the movies, the T.V. series, sounds, lyrics to the songs, and yes, even the game, Spot the Looney. Its all here folks, you gotta check it out. Shh, don't tell anyone, but this one kicks the official site's ass all the way to France...a scary thought, I assure you.

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