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Movie Mania!

Here it is, your movie headquarters. If there is something that you would like to see here, e-mail me, and I'll see what I can do. Keep in mind that I try to add stuff periodically, and, as this is a new site, it has relatively few links to go to. BUT! Give it time, I guarentee that this page will grow. In the mean time, check out these guys:

The Matrix is a new movie out which stars Keanu Reeves and Lawrence Fishburne. It is my latest obsession. Even if you don't check out my site, I strongly suggest visiting the official site, which, to put it simply, kicks ass!

Robin Williams Here we go, my idol in a bottle. The page is still under construction, but I assure you this page will rock when its complete!

All About Mel This should not be a surprise for those of you who know about me and my . . . I guess you could only call it obsession . . . with Mel Gibson. Includes a list of all of his movies, plus a brief bio and some pretty nice pictures.

Monty Python and the Holy Grail Ah, Monty Python. Now THERE is classic British humor for ya (at least from what I've heard-who am I to talk? *grin*). Anyway, check this one out for the complete script, some pictures, and links to a couple of sites devoted to Monty Python and British humor.

The Princess BrideYeah, yeah, I know, who da bomb? I was actually able to track down the script for this thing, and it takes up a shit load of memory, so I hope that you people appreciate it! Enjoy!

Tombstone Ya know, I've been watching this movie a lot lately, and as I have, I have noticed that that movie as bunch of damn good lines in it. Have you noticed that? "I'm your huckleberry" and "I'm afraid the pressure was more then he could bear," both said in that cute little accent the Val uses for Doc Holiday are just terrific. So, here is YOUR chance to "spot the classic lines"...the script, uncut, in its entirity, is on its way.

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