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This Page is grows every day, as those of you who actually keep up with this thing know. Keep coming back here periodically....I do plan on helping it grow larger!

This not just your average dry poetry page... It has everything which I consider poetry and have enjoyed, from classic stuff to song lyrics. Please let me know if you find anything that you think would fit my taste. Don't be insulted if I dson't like it or add it... I am a pretty hard critic when it comes to poetry, considering the fact that I often don't like or understand it. But, despite that fact here is what I have so far!

Howl By Allen Ginsberg. A fairly famous and forward poem from the 50's giving an honest, harsh look at the time. Seems almost ageless, as the scenes which are discribed could easily be something that you could see today.

O Captain! my Captain! by Walt Whitman. If you don't recognize this tribute to Abe Lincoln, then I really don't know what I can tell you execpt that you need to watch Dead Poet's Society....and if you haven't seen that, then I'm afraid there is no hope for you...just read the poem :)

The Highwayman by Alfred Noyes. Here is yet another famous, famous poem that happens to be one of my favorites. Unfortunately, Noyes never really hit it big, and so it can be rather hard to find the poem itself. But I did, and here it is, enjoy.

The Queen and the Soldier by Suzanne Vega. This is one that is actually a song...much better with the tune, I admit, but still meaningfull without. I do recomend that you listen to the tune if you can get a hold of it, it's beautiful.

Winter by Tori Amos. Here is another song that is important in the words as much as the beautiful tune...we actually sang it in my a capella group. Very nice. Anyway, check it out, and lemme know what you think.

If Tomorrow Never Comes by Kent Blazy and Garth Brooks. Yes, it is a country song, but hey, there's nuthin' wrong with country! There is something really romantic about this song, so if you feel like a bit of "why can't I find someone like that?!" this is the one to read!

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