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Robin Williams!

Here it is....my tribute to the most remarkable comedian I know of. Ever since I was a wee lass, I've had an obsession with doing different voices, being a cartoon, and generally making people laugh. Finnally, I can across Robin Williams. To be perfectly honest, I can't remember what my first encounter with him was, but I will always remember beign called "the next female Robin Williams" in school, and having people tell me I should either do cartoon voices or that I was, in fact a cartoon. After Mrs. Doubtfire came out, that made me very happy. Anyway, point is, the man ROCKS the free world, and has a talent that I can never hope to come close to, but that doesn't mean I won't try! Anyway, enjoy all this stuff I managed to look up on the man who grew up and lived in the same county I did, ROBIN WILLIAMS!

Career Robin's career/awards to date, including links to various movie pages relating to awards he has won.

A letter A letter I wrote to Robin durring my Senior year of high school. I got a picture back. Talk about disapointments.

Random Essay This is an essay I wrote as a sort of ode to Robin, which encapsalates how I feel about him and hpw it has effected me.

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