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Green Beret Boy

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"You can have the greatest story in the world but if it can't
be made into a movie that's technically brilliant and visually stunning it should remain in the written form where it can
be left to the reader's imagination." - Marc Mahan

Once upon a time in a magical world where people depend on electricity and coupons are always needed there lived a scrawny boy with an impish face by the name of Marc Mahan. He forged a loyal friendship with, a simple lad of brawny stature and receding hairline. In the name of fun they set off on a journey to create stories in the wonderfully artistic shape which is movies. Their first effort was a noble one, an interpretation of the classic "Legend of Sleepy Hollow." After that, life's trail led them into darker and richer territories where they crafted original shorts such as Naked Monkeys and The Harpy Face. In the process of these creations they stumbled upon a silent hermit born with the name of Shane Grier who imagined the tale of treasure, Two Good Eyes, into reality. On that adventure John Stanek, a wily musician, stowed away with the gangly bunch. Upon discovery he was given two choices, being stoned to death or to join them and become a lead performer. Needless to say he chose wisely and went on to star in the award winning The Crooked Deck. Together they travel onward gathering speed and wisdom as they approach the mysteries of feature films...

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