God’s voice is in the thunder,
His glory in the sky of blue;
He frames a beautiful sunset
All tinted in Heavenly hue.

The snow and the hail hold His treasure,
The storm His voice does obey;
He placed the seas in a measure,
Divided the night from the day.

He made the majestic mountains,
With rooks and grandeur so high:
Created the springs and the fountains,
And valleys where rivers do lie.

For lights in the sky the Lord
Placed the sun the moon and the stars;
And in His Book He gives us His word,
Saying from us He is not very far.

He will comfort a heart full of sorrow,
And tell us that all is well;
Life will be sweeter tomorrow,
When we in Eternity dwell.

The budding green leaves and flowers
By the hand of the Lord are made,
To bloom and brighten the hours,
Scattered in sunshine and shade.

After the night is the morning;
The bright star is seen at the dawn:
He gives us instruction and warning,
That life like a vapor is flown.

In God’s Book of Remembrance is written
Those who fear Him and think on His name;
Whenever they speak the Lord listens,
As His jewels one day He will claim.

To the world for a Saviour the Father
Sent for us His very own Son,
Death and the grave He would conquer,
And a glorious victory He won.

For God’s Covenant the rainbow is token,
On the clouds in a sky of blue,
Of the promise God made to Noah,
That His promise will always be true.

Yet the earth is fleeting and transient,
It was not made to endure;
But the home He’s preparing is permanent
Were all things will be made new.

The glories of God are now waiting
For those who will deny this world,
Where the Tree of Life is now growing
In the City with the gates of pearl.


2 Sam.22:14; Psa.29; Job 40:9
Psa.50:l; 113:3; Eccl.1:5
Ecclesiastes 11:7

Job 38:22
Nahum 1:3; Matt.8:26,27
Gen.l:9; Isa.40:12
Genesis 1:4,5,14

Amos 4:13; Psa.90:l,2
Psalm 36:6
Psa.114:7,8; Rev.14:7
Gen.2:lO; Psa.65:9; 104:10,11

Genesis 1:16--l8
Psa. 8:3,4
Isaiah 34:16
Acts 17:26—-28; 2 Chron.15:2

Isa.66:13; 2 Cor.1:3,4
Isaiah 51:12,13
Rom.8:18; 1 Cor.2:9
Philippians 1:23

Gen.l:29,30; 2:8,9
Job 38:25—27; Isa.35:l,2
S.of S. 2:11,12
Isaiah 61:11

Ex.16:7; Psa.30:5; Lam.3:22,23
Job 38:7; Psa.148:3; Rev.22:l6
Psa.32:8; Jer.32:33; Micah 6:8
James 4:14

Exodus 32:33
Malachi 3:16
Malachi 3:17,18
Revelation 20:12—15

John 3:16; 1 John 4:9
2 Cor.8:9; Phil.2:6—8
1 Corinthians 15:54—57
Acts 2:24; Col.2:15; Rev.3:21

Genesis 9:11—17
Ezekiel 1:28
Isaiah 54:9
Hebrews 10:23

Matt.24:35 2 Pet.3:1O
Psa.102:24—-27; Heb.l:1O--l2
Jn.14:l—3; 2 Cor.5:l; Heb.ll:lO
Revelation 21:1—5

Romans 5:2; Colossians 1:27
1 John 2:15—17; 5:19
Revelation 22:1—3
Revelation 21:21; 22:14