Grandmother's Scrapbook


--Your Minister, Emerson Blythe

Click Here To hear Audio Clip of Grandmother from 1971
Audio: Grandma Makes Lye-soap
Audio: Grandma Does a Wash
Audio: Grandma Makes Thread

From the Scrapbook of:
Jan. 1, 1894 -- August 2, 1994
The daughter of John and Emily Murphy.
Was married to the late James B. Butler.

Grandmother Butler had three sisters: Ida, Hattie and Pluma, plus seven brothers (the Murphy boys, as she called them:) Albert, Jerry, Luke, Robert "Bob", Edward "Ed", Deed and Ezekiel "Zeke."

Her brother Zeke, was a Gospel Preacher; Bob served as an Elder in an Etowah Co., Alabama congregation, and another brother, Jerry, was one of the "founding fathers" of the Menlo church of Christ.

New Addition "FROM THE HEART OF A TREE" CIRCA 1983 - Added 04/13/08

"ONE SOLITARY LIFE" Added 10/20/07

(9/27/02): "THE GOD OF CREATION" by my late Mother: Alva Elizabeth Blythe

Special Poem: "MY OLD BIBLE" Added 03/30/02

THE BOOK Added 03/11/02

THE HOLY BIBLE Added 03/11/02



Grandmother's Scrapbook contains poems and quotes clipped from various papers and bulletins. However, it contains one penned by herself in 1981, when she was at the age of 87. It is entitled: "Thank You, Lord."


Thank you, Lord, for moon and stars,
For sunshine and rain, things near and far.
Thank you for all the trees,
For the flowers that bloom, and the birds and the bees.
Thank you for the gardens, and for the fields,
For the people who work them, and the food they yield.
Thank you for the Spring and for the Fall,
For Summer and Winter and the snowflakes that fall.
For the hills and the valleys, for the mountains high:
And thank you for the clear blue sky.
Thank you for my Dad and Mother,
My three sisters and seven brothers.
Thank you, Lord, for your Only Son,
For the words He brought, and the work He's done.
For home and family, for loved ones and friends,
And thank you for blessings that never end.

--Mrs. J. B. Butler

I'd rather see a sermon than to hear one anyday;
I'd rather one would walk with me than merely tell the way.
The eye's a better pupil and more willing than the ear,
Fine council is confusing, but example's always clear;
And the best of all the preachers are the ones who live their creed,
For to see good put in action is what every body needs.
I soon can learn to do it if you'll let me see it done;
I can watch your hands in action, but your tongue too fast may run.
And the lecture you deliver may be very wise and true,
But I'd rather get my lessons by observing what you do;
For I might misunderstand you and the high advice you give,
But there's no misunderstanding how you act and how you live.
                              --Edgar Guest


Isn't it strange, that Princes and Kings
And Clowns that caper in Sawdust Rings,
And Common Folks, like You and Me,
Are all Builders for Eternity.

Each is given a Bag of Tools,
a Shapeless Mass, and a Book of Rules.
Each must make, E'er Life is Flown

--Author Unknown

By Dillard Thurman

I've heard of "The Land of Beginning Again,"
And its welcome to Failures who come.
It's there well-meaning, but erring, men
Make amends for the wrongs they have done.
No matter what trials I may have been through,
Nor what things have led me through sin,
There's a blest border that beckons me to
The great "Land of Beginning Again."

After each of the days when I have been wrong
In some task that was left me to do,
I will not lament till the next day is gone,
But I'll try to live right through the new.
I cannot be wailing, "I wish I were dead,"
Over something that might not have been;
But I'll look for the country that lies on ahead;
It's "The Land of Beginning Again."

E'er going to sleep at the close of the day
I'll look back on the things that are gone,
Then I pray that I'll live in a better way,
And I'm eager to face life at dawn.
For the things of the past no longer can stand
To drag me through turmoil and sin.
I seek for the shores of a far better land;
It's "The Land of Beginning Again."

So, over the ruined air-castles I've built,
I will not remain idle and mope;
But using my eyes where the tears are unspilt,
I'll search for the great hills of Hope.
Then pressing on for such Hope I am free
To forget the land where I have been,
While I reach for the garland that's beckoning me
To "The Land of Beginning Again."

This country is also for you, weary friend,
For its welcome is sent forth to all!
Remember, "The Land of beginning Again,"
Holds a solace for them who may fall.
So, if you have dropped by the side of the way
Being lost in the darkness of Sin,
Why not travel on in the brightness of day,
To "The Land of Beginning Again"?

So after death's clutches are loosed from our souls
And the Lord has returned from above,
We'll know it was Him who saved and made whole,
And our sins were wiped out through His love.
Then gathered with Christ at the foot of the throne
The voices redeemed will then blend,
As we sing of the grace that has led all His own
To "The Land of Beginning Again."

by Dillard Thurman

Set my heart on God's Tomorrow;
Not on things of Yesterdays;
Not on hours of joy or sorrow
That have long since passed away.

Let no past deed mar the Present
With its craven fear and dread;
But let hope make paths more pleasant
As with joy I forge ahead.

Set mine eyes on God's Tomorrow
Where His glories I shall see;
No misgivings will I borrow
From sore trials yet to be.

God can brighten up the morning
After darkness shrouds the night
And I'll see His love adorning
Morning Glories for my sight!

Set my hope on God's Tomorrow
When the Father welcomes home
All who served through joy and sorrow,
Looking for that peace to come.

Let me join the Heavenly chorus
As they sing around His throne!
Let me see what God has for us
When our Father claims His own!

"I like this poem..." --E.M.B.


Jesus our Saviour came to earth
To bring us word of a New Birth
That would lead the obedient to Heaven above
Where all is peace and joy and love.
And what a blessing when people can see
It's the Word of the Lord that sets us free,
But pitiful and sad when people are taught
A perverted word that comes to nought.
This New Birth is easily won
By believing, repenting, confessing God's Son
And being buried in the watery grave
Where we contact His blood that actually saves,
And rise to walk in newness of life,
Avoid all evil, malice and strife,
And meet together in peace and love
To worship our Father in Heaven above.

---Mrs. Ethel M. Butler


I'd rather be a "could be"
If I could not be an "are":
For a "could be" is a "may be,"
With a chance of reaching far.

I'd rather be a "has been"
Than a "might have been," by far:
For a "might have been" has never "been,"
But a "has been" was an "are."

Author Unknown


They grumble at the preaching, They grumble at the prayer,
They grumble at the singing, They grumble everywhere.

They grumble if you speak to them, They grumble if you don't;
They grumble if you visit them, They grumble if you won't.

Though some for lack of knowledge Will turn from us away,
And still keep up their grumbling, While here on earth they stay.

O Grumblers, come to Jesus, And yield to Him your will.
I know you're tired of grumbling, You've surely had your fill.

You surely must stop grumbling, And Jesus' love must share,
For when we get to Heaven, There'll be no grumblers there!

For all must be converted, And cleansed from every sin;
No other kind of people Can ever enter in.

Found in Ethel Murphy Butler's handwright - believed to be original.


How do I know that God exists?
I can see Him in every place.
He is manifest through His works,
Though not face-to-face.
It is He who made the worlds
And all things that are therein;
Even now they are all
Kept and sustained by Him.

The Lord can be seen in the starry sky,
And in the sky of blue--
In every little bird that sings,
And in every drop of dew.
He can be seen in the buds of Spring,
In the leaves and flowers that grow:
In the fruitful harvest and colors of Fall,
The Lord is there, I know.

I can see God in the Book He has given
As a Light to the sons of men;
Its pages reveal the mysteries of Heaven,
And salvation to those lost in sin.
Sceptics may try to find fault with His Word,
And the Godless to make it fall:
But through the ages it stands, and forever will,
So I know God is behind it all.

So how can you know that God exists?
You can see Him in every place;
And through His Word you come to know Him,
And learn of His saving grace.
Then as you live from day to day,
By the things you say and do,
You can show the world that God exists--
By letting Him be seen in you!

--Emerson Blythe

by Dillard Thurman, from "Gospel Minutes"

Help me, Lord, to flee temptation;
Help me shun each place of sin.
Keep me at Thy righteous station;
Let Thy Spirit reign within.
Guide me in a path that's holy;
Fill my mind with things of worth.
Make me perfect; use me wholly
In Thy cause while on this earth.

Help me, Lord, to know my weakness,
And be watchful, lest I fall:
Keep me humble, clothed in meekness;
Thou art great, but I am small.
As a child, may I be fearful
Of those dark things I must face.
Should I fall, may I be tearful
As from Thee I plead for grace.

Help me, Lord, to truly measure
All the things that fill my days.
May I than lay up my treasure
To be used in Heaven's praise.
Help me, Lord, that all contriving
For material gain may cease.
May I look beyond this striving
To Thy home of rest and peace.


Jesus walked on the water,
He also calmed the sea;
He suffered on the cruel cross
To make a way for you and me.

He made the deaf to hear,
And caused the dumb to speak;
He also raised the dead,
Healed the lame, the blind and sick.

He preached the Gospel to the poor,
And to the rich as well;
He told us of a place called Heaven,
And of a place called Hell.

He called His twelve Apostles,
And taught them all God's plan,
So when He ascended back to Heaven,
God's Word could still be taught to man.

He sent His Holy Spirit
On the day of Pentecost,
To bring to the apostles' memory
All the things that Jesus taught.

He called on us to follow Him,
And He would give us rest;
That we might dwell in Heaven with Him,
And be forever blest.

---Mrs. Ethel M. Butler

By Margaret k. Frazer

God could have made the Sun to rise
Without such splendor in the skies;
He could have made the sun to set
Without a glory greater yet.

He could have made the corn to grow
Without the sunny, golden glow;
The fruit without those colors bright,
So pleasant to the taste and sight.

And caused the apple trees to bloom
Without the scent that doth perfume
Those dainty blossoms, pink and white,
That fill our hears with sheer delight.

He could have made the ocean roll
Without such music for the soul -
The mighty anthem, loud and strong -
And birds without their clear sweet song.

The charm of kittens' dainty grace,
The dimples in a baby's face -
All these are "extras" from His hand,
Whose love we cannot understand.

The God who fashioned flow'rs and trees,
Delights to give us things that please,
And all His handiwork so fair
His glory and His love declare.

Yes, He who made the earth and skies
Gave "extras" for our ears and eyes,
And while my heart with rapture sings,
I thank Him for the "extra things."

Though Grandmother was never overly blessed with the material things of this life and knew nothing of the luxuries of the rich, the following poem was one of her favorites.

(Origin unknown--sent to Grandmother one Christmas by a friend)

I'm drinking from my saucer,
'Cause my cup has overflowed!

It's true I've had my share of ups and downs,
But so far, I've survived.
I thank the Lord for standing by
And helping when I stumble,
But I hope that I'll have patience
And never start to grumble.

Instead, I'll think of all the special things
That have helped to ease my way.
I have a loving family
And friends who understand,
They're always there beside me
To give a helping hand.

I have special memories
Of days I've spent at school,
And I'm grateful to each person
Who helped me know the rules.

Life really can't be measured
By what someone has gained,
But I've always had an umbrella
For every time it rained.

I just wanted time to tell you
That as I travel down life's road,
Yes, It's really true...
I'm drinking from my saucer,
'Cause my cup has overflowed!

Another poem in her collection, clipped from a church bulletin, though few in lines, speaks volumes of human relations:


There wanst was two cats of Kilkenny,
Each thought there was one cat too many,
So they quarreled and they fit,
They scratch'd and they bit,
Till, Barrin' their nails,
And the tips of their tails,
Instead of two cats, there warnt any!

"But if ye bite and devour one another,
take heed that ye be not consumed one of another."

(Gal 5:15 KJV)


Lest I forget the death of Him
Who died upon the Cross for me,
Lest all my memories grow dim,
And I forget what set me free;
Lest I o'erlook the price He paid
When I could ne'er repay the price;
Lord, let my hope in Him be stiad,
As in the Bread I see the Christ.

Lest I forget His precious Blood
So freely shed to pay the cost;
Lest worldly things my mind should flood
And mar the memories of the Cross:
Lest I forget the bitter scene
When my dear Lord was lifted up;
Dear God, let Calvary be seen
While I'm partaking of His cup.

Lest I forget the Son Thou gave
That I from bondage might be free;
Lest I forget His gift to save
A wretched sinful man like me,
Lest I forget that sacrifice,
Or fullest measure of that love;
O Lord, help me to pay the price,
And my sincere love thus prove.

--From Gospel Minutes

(By: Edgar A. Guest, via Bull St. Bulletin, Savannah, Ga.)

I paid a dime for a packet of seeds,
And the clerk tossed them out with a flip.
"We've got 'em assorted for every man's needs,
He said with a smile on his lip:
"Pansies and poppies and asters and peas.
Ten cents a package, and pick as you please."

Now seeds are just dimes to the man in the store,
And the dimes are the things that he needs;
And I've been to buy them in season before,
But have thought of them merely as seeds;
But it flashed through my mind, as I took them this time,
"You have purchased a miracle here for a dime."

"You've a dime's worth of power which no man can create,
You've a dime's worth of life in your hand.
You've a dime's worth of mystery, destiny, fate,
Which the wisest cannot understand.
In this bright little package, Now isn't it odd?
You've a dime's worth of something known only to God..."

(By Dillard Thurman in Gospel Minutes)

Adam never had a Mother or Dad
To direct him in ways he should go.
Animals he named were seemingly tamed:
Adam gave them all names, you should know!

Adam had no toys, nor played with the boys;
For God made Adam a full grown man!
In the human race, Adam held first place:
He was there when the race first began!

Adam was alone till God took his bone;
And suddenly from one you have twain!
From his riven side God made Adam's bride;
Then right off they began raising Cain!

There in Paradise they sought to be wise,
While still wearing their birthday suit.
Satan was in it from the first minute
Enticing them with forbidden fruit!

It is no surprise that lust of the eyes,
And lust of the flesh entered in;
Then add pride of life to make tempting rife,
And soon they were groveling in sin!

Satan thus deceived both Adam and Eve
To eat what some say was an apple.
But the kind of fruit is not our persuit:
With deadly results we must grapple!

Don't vainly debae o'er the fruit they ate
While Satan was still hanging around.
The trouble, you see, wasn't fruit in the tree,
It was that pair down there on the ground!

* * * * * * * *

MORE TO COME... Read and enjoy!

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