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Sunshine's Corner Of The World



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Vote My Site To Recieve The Diamond Award
(click on graphic below)

Due to new bandwith restrictions
We are remodeling
Please bare with us during this process
Some images may not appear and some links may be broken
We hope to have everything cleared up ASAP
Thank you for your continued support
Sunshine and the crew

We Won The First Diamond Award on 12/05/01
Thank you for your votes
If you would like to see our level go higher
Please Vote

Thank You!

I was Given This Gold Award Today
How cool is that??

Thank you very much Sandy
Awards Leader For Harmony Place

Our Site is being remodeld a bit so if you get an ugly red X
We do appologize.

Time By Escati
In Georgia, USA it is:

Happy Mother's Day
May 12th

A Gift For You Mom
And to My friends Who Celebrate Mother's Day

Click On The Photo Below

Happy Father's Day
June 16th

For My Daddy
Happy Father's Day
A special Page made just for you Daddy!
Click on the picture below

Visit Our 9/11 Memorial Page
Light A Candle In Rememberance

Please Click On The Bear To Read Jill's Story

Come Visit us at Designing Diva's
It is a great group Maybe Join us

We have a Paint Shop Pro Committee,
Secret Angels and a lot More

Would you like a website?
Don't know how to make one?
How about asking me to build one for you?
For the lowest prices on the web see Sunshine

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The Survivor's Site Web Ring Was Created By Sunshine
Please surf the ring and submitt your site for review

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This is our newest site.
Thank you for stopping in.
We will be working on this site daily so be patient.
Come often and watch the changes

The author is a member of.....

The HTML Writers Guild

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Web Master--Sunshine

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Vist the greatest online Group On the Net!!
Just click on the banner!

I was given this Gold Award on Nov. 29, 2001
I proudly display it on my front page

My name is Sunshine and you can read more
About me by clicking here.

I have Panic/Anxiety Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder
And Agoraphobia
I have learned a lot about my Disorders
From sources I have included in my pages

Please don't use these pages to self diagnose

Seek a physician if you think you may have this
Or any disorder

Thank you for visiting my site and please return often

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Some Other Web Sites Created By The Web Master Sunshine

Sunshine Designs ~ Adoptables

Knights Of The Present

The Lions Lair

Mother's Last Resort

Clear Creek Farm

Hunting for that perfect country setting to build a home?
Please visit Clear Creek Farm

Please visit my granddaughters Pages:

Tess's Games

Anne's Page

Please sign their dream books It makes them so Happy !

Information And Resources
The Panic/Anxiety Info and Chat
Webmd (medication info)
National Mental Health Association Information Center
NMHA Fact Sheets
Personality Disorders--Mental Health Net
Herbal Remedies (St. John's Wort)

The following links are to sites that
We have used to acquire the graphics here
Thank you all for the use of them
I tried to include everyone
Please let me know of any oversite


Macdaddys Backgrounds
Wendy's Page Designs
Developer.Com Html Goodies
Dr Fun Worlds Best Animations
Jelanes Families Of Graphics
Bulls Button And Bars







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Disclaimer: I am not a health-care professional.
This site and all pages contained in it is for
informational purposes only, and is in no way meant to take
the place of a visit to and advice from a health-care professional.

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This Site Was Born In Aug. 1998

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This site was updated on 02/25/02