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Memorial To All Lost Today
In the attack on the USA
September 11, 2001

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If you would like to lite a candle for a loved one or in memory of our lost ones
Click Here

Page's of Lit Candles

Page One

Page Two

Page Three

Though the attack is over. The loss is strong. We are still under God's watchfull eye. Remember our soldiers in afghanistan. Light a candle for their safety and safe return home. Remember those we lost and those who suffer. I will leave this candle burning for you.

We just started a Memorial quilt. Anyone can send a piece to be added. We can add a link to your email or your site it is up to you. Take a look. Hope you send something. I cannot answer all your emails but you will be added ASAP I promise. All pieces are in memorial of 9/11 victims, survivors, heroes,or our soldier's today or yesterday. NO PORNOGRAPY. NO RACISM. You know the drill folks.

Memorial Quilt Link


I have created this page in memory of my fellow citizens that were lost today 9/11/01.
We all pray for you and your loved ones.

Please pass this on to anyone you know..print it up and pass it to neighbors who may not have internet access, post it to message boards, clubs, news stations, anywhere and everywhere there is a PROUD American!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Today 9/11/01 -- All of America as well most of the world are glued to our televisions and radio's since we woke. It has been called the second Pearl Harbor. It is said to have more wounded and dead than Pearl Harbor. I don't know if we will ever know the toll it has caused. It seems as if everyone you know has family or friends who lives in the affected areas. Today we grieve. Tomorrow we look for answers. The world will never be the same again. Again we say
"This Day Will Live In Infamy"

I just got this in a email today

Please participate on Nov. 11th at 11:00AM. in your own time zone. The intention of 11.11:11 is for a wave of vibration created through sound to travel across the planet. This vibrational wave will carry forth our highest intention for love, peace and balance for all that exists on our planet. Each person "wherever you are on Nov. 11th at 11:00 a.m. (11.11:11)" will participate in their own time zone, thus creating this magnificent wave of intentional sound for peace/balance. The purpose is to have the vibration of SOUND go out around the Planet to break away the last pieces of the old vibration of discord and separation and to bring inmore fully and activate more completely the frequencies for
Jahn Starr was given a vision of a hugh group of Angels over Afganistan assisting everyone to be Love and Peace and then the same vision was repeated for the U.S. and then again for the whole world. Just as we lit candles for all those who gave their lives and their loved ones and their service on Sept 11th, we are now being asked to bring in the vibration of sound, for it is the vibrations of sound ( the Word) and Light(The Creator energies, the Christ energies), that will help to heal this Planet and all beings on her. Wherever you are on
    Nov. 11th at 11:00AM
please ring a bell, sound sacred tones with your voice, use whatever sound/instrument you are guided to do. The important thing is that we now need SOUND to help the restoration of BALANCE on the planet. This date is very important in world peace and carries a very high Spiritual energy. If you are called to join us , please make your Sacred Tones on this day and help us get this information out by sharing it with all you know as soon as possible. Jahn Starr can be reached at Jahn Starr if you need more imformatin.

As It Was

Back to Work
Congress to Reconvene as Bush Vows Justice

W A S H I N G T O N, Sept. 12 — Congress is set to reconvene today after its leaders and President Bush assured the world that America would withstand the worst terrorist attacks the nation has ever suffered.

ABC News


Get your daily news here!!!

NY Times

Washington Post

LA Times

Christian Science Monitor

The Washington Times

The Miami Herald

Palm Beach Post

Today, we've created a special site with information on what you can do. You'll find important phone numbers, community links and contact information for agencies on this page. Community becomes increasingly important as people try to connect, gather information, and support one another. This community is dedicated to those who have been affected in any way by yesterday's events.
Click Here

Dave Winer continues to keep up with the news at an amazing pace at -- he just told me he's had more traffic today than he's ever had and the New York Times wrote about him as well.

Country Cupboard Candles American Hope Candles
All proceeds from the sales of these candles will be donated to the
American Red Cross
to aid in the cost of helping in the tragedy of
September 11, 2001
Buy one for yourself and and one for each of your friends today
Country Cupboard Candles

Official Page To Donate To The American Red Cross

Below you will see some graphics that have become
Very popular on the web as well in magazines.
If you have one you would like to see here let me know

The reason your seeing red X's instead of pictures is because some people have decided to seek profit from photograhs taken of the tragedy of Sept 11, 2001. (There are some lawsuits that have been filed because of people using images on websites. that has caused many to remove their trubutes, if you have any on your site I do suggest you remove them and make something yourself as I am) Be that as it may I will not attempt to make any profit from anything I do make for and about this tragedy. I do not think someone should profit from someone's sorrow. Especially of one that has the magnitude that this one has. I do not say for someone not to earn a living we all have to do that. But I am sorry I do not understand how someone can do that. I mean pictures of mass distruction and of people who have lost their lives For God's Sake people what is left. I May one day remove this page all together. People are selling rubble from the Twin Towers even. I just don't understand.
We have stood up and said
But aren't we destroying ourselves and our vurtues by attempting to profit from this tragedy. ??????
(please forgive the spelling errors I'm to pissed to look up in the dictionary right now.)
I will pray for you people who are doing this as the Lord says to.
But I will never understand.
To Quote another
"Forgive them my Father for they know not what they do"
End of my speach!
Possibly the end of Amercia.
Certainly the end of my hope and trust in people.


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Remember Pearl Harbor

A Most Moving Tribute

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