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HOMEWORK ROOM...for every age of ALIEN!

Educational Links

An Internet Answering Service--Ask Jeeves!!
Internet Public Library
Look at the Greek NT; resources
Medical References
Math help
More math program & help
Translation dictionary
Language-translator but limited in it's variety
Learn recipes for just about anything; food, cleaners, art, etc.
Fabulous AOL tool...newssources,magazines,misc.,etc.
SCOUR the halls of the WashingtonPost for AP newreleases and articles.
A Teacher's website for students to check out!!!
Learn to tie Bows, for display and constumes


This Free homepages site of the ALIEN GUIDE'S homework room, is provided to help stimulate learning and provide resources for documents, tutorials, on-line classes, encyclopedias, dictionaries, search technologies, associations,Major links for religion and religious news,and anything else that we can to help you and us utilize the wonderful world of internet information. Homeschoolers and homeworkers should check out the Home Education Magazine for newsletter and links. For information write to or visit our website at t his link.

This is meant to be a practical page. You may click on this textual link for more homework help. Please be sure to check out our whole web-house for we have other pages which support the intentions of this room. If you find this room helpful, please be sure to visit our entryway to the web-house and please sign in comments and suggestions on the forum link provided. MORE TO COME, promise.

any questions, comments or suggestions please contact us

Resources provided for your edification only
