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page two--Ephesians

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Kingdom Principles and truth statements found in Ephesians...


1. Only the faithful in Christ Jesus are saints.
2. Grace and Peace are only from God, through Christ.
3. Every spiritual blessing is in Christ.
...If we are in Christ, we have all spiritual blessings.
4. God chose us to be in Christ.
...God chose us before God created the world.
...We are chosen to be in Christ to be holy and blameless.
5. God loves us, predestined us to be adopted as children of God.
...We are adopted, by God, through Jesus.
...God's adoption of us is the sign of God's will.
...God's will illustrates God's kind intention towards humans.
6. God's kind intention is done to the glory of God's grace.
...God's grace is freely ours in Christ.
...Christ Jesus is God the Father's only Beloved Son.
7. We are redeemed from our sin by the blood Jesus shed on the cross.
...Redemption is the forgiveness of our sin.
...We are forgiven according to God's wealth of grace.
8. God has lavished the wealth of God's grace upon humanity, in Christ.
9. The mystery of God's will has been revealed to us.
...God's purpose in Christ was to reveal God's kind intentions.
10.When the time was right God caused all things to find thier place and fulfillment in Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ of God.
...All things find fulfillment in being subject to the Lordship of Christ Jesus.
11.Our inheritance is our predestination in Christ.
...We obtained our inheritance according to God's own good purpose.
...God works all things according to God's own counsel.
...God's will always works out.
12.The first Christians were allowed to be in such position to glorify God.
13.All who have believed since the first disciples did so after hearing the message of truth.
...The only message of truth is salvation in Jesus.
...Once we believe we are sealed in Christ.
...The Holy Spirit is the seal promised from before.
14.The Holy Spirit is ours as a pledge of our inheritance.
...Our recieving the Holy Spirit is part of God's plan to redeem all of God's own.--see 2 Cor 5.14-21--
...Our involvement with God, in redeeming all of God's own, brings praise & glory to God.
