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Verse Statement Project, page one

This is an ongoing project to identify the truthes and Kingdom Principles

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Welcome to my projectpages for identifying Kingdom principles within various contexts. This current project involves the Gracefully Eclectic Prayerful Children----or as is commonly known, Galatians Ephesians Philippians Colossians. I will be developing other formats of Kingdom truthes identified and illustrated...especially those of the Lord Jesus as listed in the Gospels. If you do not believe that the Bible is the word of The Word of God as inspired by the Spirit of God, these pages will probably be of little interest to you. Whether or not this is true of you in particular, you are all encouraged to read on; please contact me about your questions or comments and suggestions. There is a forum on the entry page of the webhouse where you may post such--or feel free to email me. This is my own work and any reproduction of same--however unlikely -- for any other purpose than for your own study and edification should be by my permission. I feel that we are all called to do what we can to build up the body into maturity as Paul states so eloquently in Ephesians. As time goes on I will be amending entries, and I intend to put a simple search engine on these pages to allow easy access to specific inquiries by subject. This is dedicated to the glory of my Lord of whom I am a disciple, however inadequately, for the building up of the Body into maturity. It is not I who live, but Christ who lives in as much as I am now fully known by God having been hidden in Jesus, the Christ of the Heavenly Father, the one in whom we move and have our being; may this reflect His work in and through me, as God causes me to not only will to do but to actually do His will according to His own good pleasure. Amen. It is my contention that we will find it most difficult to truly develop faith, that wisdom and knowledge of Jesus Christ, if we are unawares of the underlying Kingdom principles that govern reality.

Galatians is listed upon this page

Ephesians is found on the next page

Philippians is on the 3rd page

Colossians is on the 4th page

galatians galatians galatians galatians galatians


1. God the Father raised Jesus from the dead.
2. All who truely believe are family.
3. Grace and peace come from the Father & the Son.
4. Jesus willingly died for us.
...He rescued from this evil age.
...Our sins are forgiven according to the will of the Father.
...Jesus died according to the will of the Father.
5. It is possible to abandon God for something else.
...God called us to Himself by grace through Christ.
...Do not turn away to a different gospel.
7. There is no other gospel, no other message from God for Humanity.
...The only gospel is the gospel of Jesus Christ, as taught by the Apostles.
...Some folks try to pervert the truth.
8. If anyone proclaim any truth about God other than the true gospel, they are separated from the truth. --Jesus is the truth--
...False teachers risk everlasting separation from Christ--see rom 9.3--
9. If anyone teaches things that oppose the Apostles' Teaching they are in God's wrath.
10.Live only to please God.
...Do not make it your aim to only please men.
...Be a servant of Jesus Christ.
11.The real Gospel is not something humans made up.
12.The Gospel is the truth revealed in Jesus.
13.Judaism and God's People are in opposition.
14.Judaism is focused on the traditions of the Jewish Fathers.
15.We are called to God by God's grace.
16.God calls us to reveal His Son in ourself.
...We are to show Him to others.
19.James was an Apostle, and was Jesus' brother.


4.There are folks who despise the freedom we have in Christ, and wish to put us in bondage (like themselves).
5.We are not to yield to folks who seek to put us in legalistic bondage, rather we are to hold to the truth of the gospel.
7.The gospel is for all humans, regardless of religious heritage.
9.We are to give each other, even if engaged in different ministries, the right hand of fellowship because we recognize the grace of Christ in each other.
11.We must not shrink back from standing our ground in defending the freedom in the gospel of Christ, even against each other.
12.It is hypocrisy to not live fully in the freedom we have in Christ.
13.Hyposcrisy is contagious.
16.We can not be justified by the works of the Law. We are justified by faith in Christ Jesus.
17.If we sin while seeking justification by faith alone, it is not Christ who is the transgressor.
19.Through the Law we die to the Law so as to live unto God.
20.It is Christ who lives in us if we live by faith. Jesus loved us enough to die for us and our delivery. 21.If righteousness comes from Law, Christ didn't need to die for our sins.


3.We start with The Spirit, we cannot finish in the flesh.
5.The Spirit is given to us not through the works of the Written Law, but rather the hearing of faith.
6.God accounted righteousness to Abraham because he believed God.
7.All who are of faith are the children of Abraham.
8.YHWH preached the Good News to Abraham; "in you all the nations shall be blessed".
11.The just shall live by faith, because the Written Law can never make humans right with God.
12.The Written Law was not from faith.
...The works of The Law must be perfectly by those who choose to live by them.
13.Jesus because the curse for us on the cross, so that we might be the righteousness of God.
14.Yeshua/Jesus brings the blessing of Abraham to all the nations.
...We receive the Promise of The Spirit by faith.
16.The Promise of The Spirit to Abraham belongs to his singular offspring who is Yeshua The Messiah.
18.God gave the inheritance to Abraham by The Promise.
19.The Written Law was given to the Hebrews because of their apostasy.
...Yeshua, The Seed, arrived and cancelled the debt owed for violating The Written Law.
22.The Promise by the faith of Yeshua is given to those who are truly believers.
23.The Written Law kept those closed off to the faith that was to be revealed eventually in Jesus.
24.The Written Law was the guide for us to Jesus Christ so we would be made right by faith.
25.The guide is gone now that the faith has come.
26.We of the faith are children of God in Jesus.
28.Now we are one in Yeshua, not Jew nor Roman, Servant or Free, male nor female.
29.Being in The Messiah, we are therefore the seed of Abraham and heirs by The Promise.


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