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Sax Emporium
Webmaster: Brad Harrelson
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sheet musicGreat Sheet Music Links!!!sheet music

If you have a sheet music site and would like to see a link for on my page just e-mail me and I will be glad to add it to the list above.
GSU Marching Band
Who am I?

HI!!!Thanks for stopping by my site. My name is Brad Harrelson. I am an nineteen year old saxophone player. I am a freshman music major at Georgia Southern University. Please take your time to look around.

The list of saxes I own include a Selmer Super Action 80 Paris Edition Alto, a Monique soprano, a Buescher Aristocrat Tenor, and two Conn C-Melody tenors. Besides the saxophone, I play clarinet, guitar, string bass, and I was the drum captain at my school this past year.

There are many things on my site to visit. I also try to add things as often as I can. If there is something you would like to see on my site, tips for my site, or if you just want to talk email me. Thanks for stopping by and enjoy.


Message Board

Post a message for all the sax players surfing the web to read. Got a new altissimo fingering....POST IT!! Found that long lost chord......POST IT. Anything that you wish to dicuss with other sax players can be done here.


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