This is me at the game room at VSU right after our VSU honor band concert.

This is my girlfriend, Haley, and me in front of the Christmas tree.Christmas 98'

This is my dad and me at one of this past years football games.

This is some of the drumline members having a good time.

David Holsinger
This is one of my friends, Sean Adams, and me posing after the VSU concert with the great David Holsinger.

This is my Popeyes chicken buddy, Brandon McNeal.(center>

We won't talk about this girl.

These are three of my good buddies doning their Wheeler County letter jackets.Left to right: Ashley Horne, Brandon Mcneal, and Chris Mcneal.

Haley at the Prom
This is my girlfriend Haley at prom. Ain't she fine!!!!

Haley and I at the prom.
This is Haley and me at the prom. I sure do make her look good!!

The Family
This is me , Haley, and her family at River Street in Savannah Georgia.

Wheeler County Drumline
This is some of the members of my high school drumline. Thats me to the far left.
Wheeler County Homecoming Parade
This is the homecoming parade of my senoir year. That's me with the shades on.

This is my girlfriend Haley at one of our colder football games.

Haley and Rocky
This is Haley and her miniature pinscher Rocky in front of the Christmas tree.
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