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Hampster Dance Stole My Soul
Make Your Own Dance Page
Infectious Disease Organism Dance
Toys In The Attic
Disco Fish
Temporary Insanity
Lizard Hypnosis
Waste time
Test Yourself
Forever Dreaming
Other Madmen:
Sisterhood of Khan

Remember this:
The statistics on sanity are that one
out of every four people has some form of mental illness.
Look at your three best friends. Are they okay?
Then it's you.

Address ego-stroking
and gripes to
SideShow Lew

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The Ring of Wandering Conciousness

This Ring of Wandering Conciousness site is owned by SideShow Lew
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Syphilis? If you will.          I design sites.

Last updated July 28, 1999. It's SideShow Lew's birthday!
BG music 'Insects' by the Mystic Knights of Oingo Boingo.