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The Last Dragon Note From Wraithen

The story of The Last Dragon carries you from medieval battle fields to the brink of nuclear obliteration. Filled with tales of brave knight's and inept terrorists, The Last Dragon has a little bit for everyone.

The characters contained in the story have a real life quality, as the characters are imbued with the characteristics and personalities of online people that I have met and come to know. Many of you will quickly pick out the characters that resemble you, others will find it more difficult. But just a note, none of the inept or idiotic characters are based upon any of my acquaintances.

Several chapters will be displayed each week. Each chapter "page" will have a forward and reverse key so that you can move about within the book. This will come in handy as you try to solve some of the little mysteries within mysteries contained in the book.

The Last Dragon is a copyrighted piece of work, but feel free to print it out for your own use. All rights are reserved by the author, that would be me.

Publishers and Agents are welcome to contact me at to discuss the marketing and publication of this book. No wild sex is contained in this book, it is an adventure book. Anyone interested in the movie rights feel free to contact me at the above e-mail address. If the book is made into a movie, and Janet Reno is chosen as the leading lady, the story will remain as is. If Kathy Ireland is chosen as the leading lady, I may want to apply for the part of the leading man and do some heavy re-writing in some of the chapters.

I sincerely hope that you are entertained by this story. Thanks for taking the time to read it, and please feel free to send comments to my attention at

And now......on to.......The Last Dragon.
