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As you lead your life, one must realize that things come and go. Things always change, nothing stays the same. Here today, gone tomorrow. Things done, people we meet, are only for memories. Memories are a fading part of lost dreams and hopes. Just remember, NOTHING LASTS FOREVER. Welcome to Wayne's real world, here you can let your inner feelings out, be the person you want to be. IN here, anything goes.

In loving memory of Susan Y.Prince 1951-1996. All of the good ones are the first to go. Cancer took its toll on another unexpecting soul. Mom you are missed!

I was married on July 1, 2000. Here is a picture of my new bride Laura and me.

Why does the LORD take good people?

Eternity can be yours!

Read my Dreambook!
Signmy Dreambook!

Visit Tamera Prince's Brewmaster Kennel
to get a glimpse of some great Labrador Retrievers.


Another great Lab site of Kim Prince, Kimbrook Kennel


Awards I Have Won

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