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FRONTLINE: The Lost Children of Rockdale County

I saw something on T.V. tonight that was really upsetting. It was a show about the teenagers in Rockdale County, GA. It was all about how wild they had gotten. It started from a Syphillis outbreak, started by one girl. These junior high school age kids were having sex with many partners. Some kids had up to 100 sex partners. There were over 200 kids that were exposed to Syphillis. They were talking about what the reasons were that these kids were so wild. Largely, it had to do with the parents not setting boundaries for them and not being involved in their kids' lives. One woman said that she didn't think there was a solution or we would be doing it. I think there is a solution! And a lot of us are doing it! We are changing the world by bringing our children home and raising them ourselves. That is an important first step! If you'd like to read about FRONTLINE: The Lost Children of Rockdale County go to and click on the FRONTLINE title.

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