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mythology + outers

ok welcome to the mythology section in distant soldiers. if this screen is a little to small for your taste, click here. ok enjoy yourselfs! please don't take any info from here but if its wrong please tell us! note: we're going to use the Greek names of the gods that their equivalent to, so you guys won't get confused.

Pluto and Saturn: The reason I'm doing them together is because their case is strange. Sailor Pluto, has an equivalent of Hades who is God of the Underworld, while Sailor Saturn has Chronus who's God of Time. Pluto and Saturn got mixed up in a way, because Sailor Pluto's powers are Time, but that's not her mythologic charactor. Same with Sailor Saturn, her power is death and rebirth, but that's not her mythology character. Makes you think huh? But, Chronus actually has a little bit to do with Sailor Saturn, because in roman mythology he's the god of agriculture/harvest, and that kind of relates to the "death and rebirth" process. Also, Hades could rarely leave his domain, which is some what equivalent to Sailor Pluto, because she couln't leave the time gate. Guess that their mythological characters are more alike to them then you think.

Uranus: Sailor Uranus, in mythology, had Uranus (both in roman and in greek), god of the sky and the heavens. He married Gaea who was Mother Earth, and Sailor Uranus' attack "World Shaking" has to do with earth. Uranus was the dad of Chronus (equivalent to Sailor Saturn) and Sailor Uranus kind of acted like a 'father' to Sailor Saturn when she was reborn. Also Sailor Uranus' name Tenoh Haruka, which means "King of the Sky", which I guess, gives her some relationship with mythology.

Neptune: Neptune's equivalent is Poseidon, god of the Sea. Sailor Neptune obviously is a perfect match being Sailor of the ocean, and having all her powers regaurding water. Also Sailor Neptune's name Kaiou Michiru means "Mature Sea Goddess". Sailor Neptune as a person (Kaiou Michiru) doesn't really have any relationship with Poseidon.
