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Hi..My name is Janice and I live in Lakeland, Ga. I was born here and have lived here for most of my life..

I am a true southerner, look like one and act like one too..LOL

I try to be a friend to everyone, and I always say to have a friend is to be a friend.

I stand fast by the belief that no matter what you don't like about someone, if you looked hard enough you could find something that you like..

I am a single mom with 5 children..3 girls and 2 boys..Boy!! They had trouble raising me lol..but they finally DID it and all are now grown, I think hehe...I am the proud nanna of 3 grandchildren..2 girls..Meagan and Lauren...and 1 boy..Tanner..

I am a true believer in the stars and what they hold for us..I like to study and listen to see how much of this is true and how it affects my life..Besides it is interesting and fun..Some of you would be surpised to see how much comes true.


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ClimbTil Your Dreams Come True

A Poem For You My Friend

I drive a school bus for all schools here from headstart to 12th grade. I am a strict but fair driver. Working with children is what I am good at. I treat all my children just like I would want someone else to treat my own. I love my children on route and they love me so I have few problems. A sense of humour is a must in my job, and I have had some good laughs from driving a bus.Now I miss the kids as I have medically retired..but they come by to see me often..