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Me and My Family

"Ideas are like stars,

you will not suceed

in touching them with

your hands, but like

the sea-faring man on

the desert of waters,

you choose then you

reach your destiny."

Have you ever had an angel kiss

from Heaven above,

to touch your heart and

make you feel loved?

With the flutter of her wings

and the blink of her eyes

she will bring to you

a love that never dies.

Angels are watching over us

each day and night,

Keeping us all safe

with all  their might.

This is my little prayer

for you today

that love and happiness

will fill your day.

What Dreams Are Made Of!

Hi..I am Janice. Hope you are enjoying my website. Please sign my guestbook before you leave. This is my family and I am very proud of all of them.

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This is the only pic you will ever see of me in a dress lol..

This is my son Brent...How he puts up with all us women is beyond me lol...May be why he is engaged...

December 25,2000

Latricia, my oldest and the closest to her mom...and grandbaby, nicholas, who is no longer with us except in our hearts....

Breeze, more recent than the one below....

Belinda Breeze, the light of my life...

This is my daughter Lorelei..<

Lorelei,my youngest, and her boyfriend, Lynn...

This is my grandbaby,Tanner, absolutely the apple of his nanna's eye..He is my heart..Ain't he beautiful..Looks just like his nanna lol

This is my two granddaughters, Meagan with dark hair, and Lauren..They are nana's sweethearts..

~~~~~~~Follow your dreams for they will always lead you in the right direction~~~~~~