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F r i e n d s h i p

For you are my special friend;
from here on out and to the end.
Here's a poem for you to read;
I am here in case of a need.
I am delightfully here to be a friend.

For You Are My Special Friend


May our friendship last forever;

May I sail upon your sea.

May we go through life together;

May there always be a "we."

May I be your endless sky;

May you breathe my gentle air.

May you never wonder why

Each time you look for me, I'm there.

May we be for each a smile

Like the warm, life-giving sun;

Yet when we're in pain awhile,

May our suffering be one.

May we share our special days,

The happiness of one for two;

And if we must go separate ways,

Let my love remain with you.


Touch my heart and I'll touch yours

With a gentle word or two,

For kindness bears the sweetest fruit

That makes our dreams come true.

Touch my life with tenderness

And fill my cup with love.

Share my dreams as I share yours

Beyond the stars above.

Take my hand as I grow old

And lead me when I'm blind.

Show me that you really care…

Good Friends are hard to find.

Touch my heart and I'll touch yours

A little more each day

And then we both find happiness

Somewhere along the way.

~~~~"To touch the soul of another human being is to walk on holy ground."~~~~

This page is for the beautiful friends I've
met here in cyberland.
You are part of my "Wonderful World" and have
touched my heart.

As I end my page of friendship; I want to include sexym19 and Magnetdave and his wife, Kateu,
before it is complete. For you
all have led me through this. I couldn't
have done it without all of you. So I send a
special thanks to my special friends. And my
friendship page is now complete.