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About us!

Jarah and Siobhan at the Village Green, 5.19.00

The Roachbabes wanted to learn more about the girls behind this webpage, huh? Well, maybe I can help. Jarah and Siobhan are best friends that met because of a little band called the Roaches. (Technically...the Beatles are the common bond but they MET at a Roaches concert when the guys played the GA Dome in 1999) They are very similar in many ways. They have a lot of the same hobbies (music, photography, Beatles, Roaches, guys, that sort of understand.) Siobhan has been making webpages for much much longer than Jarah has. She's very computer smart and taught Jarah how to work with HTML and everything so she's the main reason this page is alive today. Jarah was just put in charge of the corny stuff because she is closer to the guys due to going to entirely too many concerts. (Good problem to have, though!)

If you ever want to get in touch with either of the girls, you can email Jarah at and Siobhan at Your letter won't go unanswered!

You want to learn more about a certain person?? Then choose Jarah or Siobhan!
Thanks for coming!
Jarah and Siobhan

She loves you
